Ethical Considerations

Predictive models can be susceptible to biases if the training data is biased or if the model itself introduces biases.

Ensuring fairness and mitigating biases in predictive analytics is important to avoid discriminatory outcomes and promote equity.

When applying predictive learning analytics, educators need to take ethical practice into consideration: 

Privacy and Data Protection

Safeguarding student data and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. Educators must handle and store data securely, protecting the privacy and confidentiality of students.

Transparency and Informed Consent

Providing clear explanations about how predictive analytics will be used, what data will be collected, and the potential outcomes. Obtaining informed consent from students and their parents/guardians, allowing them to make informed decisions regarding data usage.

Equity and Fairness

Regularly examining and addressing biases in the predictive models and data to ensure equitable treatment of all students. Proactively identifying and mitigating any discriminatory outcomes or disparities that may arise from the use of predictive analytics.

Professional Judgement and Human Intervention

Recognizing the limitations of predictive models and the importance of human judgment. Educators should not solely rely on automated predictions but exercise their professional expertise in interpreting and utilizing the predictions to make informed decisions.

Ethical Use of Predictions

Ensuring that predictions are used responsibly and in ways that benefit students. Predictive analytics should be used to inform interventions, support personalized learning, and promote positive educational outcomes, rather than perpetuating stereotypes or biases.

Continual Assessment and Improvement

Regularly monitoring and evaluating the impact and accuracy of predictive analytics. This allows educators to identify and address any unintended consequences or biases that may arise and continually improve the models and practices.

Test your knowledge about ethical practices in Predictive Learning Analytics