Applications and Implemention of Predictive Learning Analytics

The Common Applications of Predictive Data in Education

Use Data to Build Better Schools

Please watch the TED Talk (20 mins) about PISA. 

While watching the video, think about how the data can inform decision making in the realm of education. 

Then take part in the Padlet discussion to share your thoughts about PISA.

To help you understand how PISA helps in decision-making, you are encouraged to participate the sample test below.

Next watch this short video (2 mins) about CEM Data and how it can be used to generate predictive scores

CEM Data

Have a read here about some of the different options the CEM institute provides for students of different ages.

Let's practice! Review the slideshow below. Once you have moved through the slideshow and considered ways you could apply the student profile data consider how as an educator you could use this data to help with one of advising, goal setting, or with skill development and respond in the google form. You can observe some peer responses below. Here is some advice on how CEM data can be used

ETEC 522: Interpreting MidYIS for Teaching and Learning

MIDYIS Activity Results Reflection

ETEC 522: (Responses)

Lastly, watch this video about how schools are using predictive analytics to measure student success