5 Must Visit Colorful Festivals of Bhutan 

Festivals in Bhutan are grand events where entire communities come together to witness religious performances, receive blessings, and socialize yourself with the festivals of Bhutan. Extravagantly costumed dance acts, beguiling fire performances, narratives recited from legends, and eloquent masks give birth to vibrance and ardour.

A Tshechu is a religious event celebrated on the tenth day of a month of the lunar calendar, which corresponds to the birthday of Guru Rimpoche. It is believed that every Bhutanese must attend the Tshechus and witness the mask dances at least once to seek the blessings of their divine gods. It is a large social gathering that inculcates a sense of community bonding, especially for those living remotely in the Himalayas. Here are some important and colourful festivals in Bhutan:

1. Thimphu Tshechu Festival

The Thimphu Tshechu Festival, also called the National Festival of Bhutan, is the country's largest and most popular celebration. The actual Tshechu is preceded by days and nights of prayers to invoke the divine gods. The festival is held at Tendrel Thang (a festival ground) and the mask dances (cham or folk dances) are performed to bless onlookers and teach them the Buddhist dharma. It is believed that one can attain good fortune by attending these festivals. 

festival of Bhutan

2. Wangdue Phodrang Tshechu Festival

The region of Wangdue Phodrang is known for ornamental speeches and songs called Lozeys. The annual festival was introduced after the completion of a fortress in 1639. ‘The Dance of Ox’ is the major attraction where people dance to ensure a peaceful afterlife. The festival concludes after the unfurling of gigantic paintings known as Guru Tshengye Thongdrol. 

3. Jambay Lhakhang Drup Festival

Jambay Lhakhang Drup Festival is held at Jambay Lhakhang Temple in Bumthang. It is one of the 108 temples built in a day by the 7th-century Tibetan King Songsten Gampo. The festival is marked by various mask dances called chams in the local language. Mueang, the fire ceremony, attracts thousands of tourists during the festival of Bhutan. During the ceremony, the locals dance under a flaming structure of dry grass. The Dance of Treasure, or Tercham, is the event's main highlight, where masked dancers perform naked to bless infertile women so they may bear children.

cultural extravaganza

4. Paro Tshechu Festival

The Paro Tshechu is held in Paro Dzongkhag district and considered as one of the biggest religious festivals. This celebration continues for five days, usually during springtime on the 2nd Bhutanese Lunar month. The festival depicts the beautiful culture, tradition, and age-old customs followed in Bhutan. Monks and laymen dress up in vibrant costumes and dance together. On the last day, a gigantic thangka or embroidery painting is shown to all. It is believed that by witnessing this Throngdrel, it can cleanse the sins of the viewers.

5. Matsutake Festival

The Matsutake Festival is celebrated by the locals of Ura Valley during the mushroom season. This festival offers an insider view to the local lifestyle of Bhutanese villagers. Visitors in attendance can enjoy the mushroom picking excursion and bask in the scenic Ura Valley’s forests and hilly areas. 

Bottom Line

Now, you can also visit Bhutan to participate in the cultural extravaganza with the help of the tour guide of Bhutan Inbound.


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