Bhutan festival tours: A glimpse into the country's rich cultural heritage

Bhutan, also known as(A.K.A.) the Land of the Thunder Dragon, is a very small country located in the eastern Himalayas. It is known for its stunning natural beauty, ancient monasteries, and unique cultural heritage. One of the best ways to experience Bhutan's rich cultural heritage is by taking a Bhutan Festival Tour.

What exactly are Festival Tours in Bhutan? 

Bhutan Festival Tours are designed to give visitors a glimpse into the country's rich cultural heritage. These tours take place during some of Bhutan's most important festivals, which are celebrated throughout the year. Some of the most popular festivals include the Paro Tsechu, Thimphu Tsechu, and Punakha Drubchen. 

So, if you're planning a Bhutan Cultural Tour, make sure to include one of the country's many festivals in your itinerary. Whether you're interested in history, culture, food, or adventure, Bhutan has something to offer everyone. Book your Bhutan Festival Tour today and experience the magic of this unique country for yourself!

The festivals are a time when Bhutanese people come together to celebrate their cultural and religious traditions. During the festivals, visitors can witness colourful masked dances, traditional music performances, and other cultural activities. These festivals provide a unique opportunity to experience Bhutanese culture first-hand and to interact with locals.

In this blog post, Bhutan Best Inbound Tour will explore what makes Bhutan Cultural Tour so special and why you should consider taking one.

You can visit the country's most important monasteries and temples

One of the highlights of Festival Tours in Bhutan is the opportunity to visit some of the country's most important monasteries and temples. Bhutan is known for its numerous ancient monasteries, which are an integral part of the country's cultural heritage. During the festivals, many of these monasteries are open to visitors, providing a unique opportunity to explore their history and significance.

Bhutanese cuisine

Another benefit of taking a Bhutan Festival Tour is the chance to sample Bhutanese cuisine. Bhutanese cuisine is known for its use of spicy chilli peppers and cheese. Visitors can sample traditional Bhutanese dishes such as ema datshi (a spicy chilli and cheese dish) and momos (steamed dumplings filled with meat or vegetables).

Explore the hidden gems 

In addition to experiencing Bhutanese culture, Festival Tours also provide opportunities for adventure and outdoor activities. Bhutan is a country with stunning natural beauty, and visitors can go trekking, cycling, and wildlife spotting in the country's national parks and nature reserves. Festival Tours in Bhutan often include outdoor activities as part of their itinerary, making them a great way to combine cultural experiences with adventure.

Great way to support the local economy 

Festival Tours in Bhutan are also a great way to support the local economy. Tourism is an important source of income for Bhutan, and by taking a Festival Tour, visitors can contribute to the local economy and support local businesses.


Bhutan Festival Tours are a great way to experience the country's rich cultural heritage. They provide a unique opportunity to witness colourful festivals, explore ancient monasteries, sample traditional cuisine, and enjoy outdoor activities in a stunning natural setting. By taking a Bhutan Festival Tour, visitors can support the local economy and make a positive impact on the communities they visit. If you're looking for a one-of-a-kind travel experience, consider a Bhutan Festival Tour for your next holiday. You can contact Bhutan Best Inbound Tour for the best experience on your Bhutan tour. They provide the best Bhutan holiday packages for the visitors.