Assessment & Consulting

Dr. David Baker-Hargrove

Pronouns: ve/ver/vers


David's LinkedIn

Robert Baker-Hargrove

Pronouns: he/him/his


Robert's LinkedIn

We have built all our successes on a “people-first” model.  We believe, and have proven, the most incredible business achievements come through win-win strategies that serve all involved in the process.  We know that accountability, responsibility and adherence to policies and procedures can effectively blend with creativity, entrepreneurialism, and “daring to be different.” Additionally, our foundational belief in a culture-focused, diversity, equity and inclusion, mission-oriented model, no matter the manner of business, underlies every single aspect of our coaching, leadership development, and consulting work with clients. Specifically, this work includes:



All our services are individually tailored to each client’s needs.  When you contact us, we will arrange an initial free discovery meeting and then submit a proposal specifically developed for you.  Reach out to us and let us get started on taking your business to the next level.  We’ve done it before; we can do it for you!