What is Literature?

Before M.A.

MA Sem 1

After M.A.

Tree is metaphor to literature :

Literature is considered by many as the most effective means to comprehend the world. This is because it has been described by critics as a "Mirror of Society," which reflects the society's true nature. Literature has also been likened to an "X-ray image of the world," providing an in-depth understanding of society's inner workings. Additionally, literature is often referred to as a "Window of the World," allowing readers to see and experience different perspectives and cultures through the stories it tells.

There are a lot of metaphors for literature. But I would like to give the metaphor of Tree to Literature. Because trees and literature both have roots or foundations. Just as a tree's roots anchor it firmly in the ground and provide it with nutrients, literature is often grounded in historical, cultural, or philosophical contexts that shape its themes, characters, and plot.

 Just as a tree grows and branches out in different directions, literature also grows and branches out into various genres, styles, and forms. Both trees and literature have the ability to adapt and evolve over time, as they are shaped by environmental factors or cultural trends.

 As a tree can be seen as a symbol of life, growth, and resilience, literature also has the power to inspire and give life to new ideas, perspectives, and worldviews. Both can serve as a source of inspiration and reflection, inviting us to explore the beauty and complexity of the world around us.