How Literature shaped me?

How Literature shape me ?

When I started my journey of Englsh department in first year of M.A. It is alien term for me. But when time passes I learn so many things from literature. Today when I look back in memory of time I realize that I am not the same person I has before entering into this department. Now I am totally different person from earlier life. Some positive changes happened with me with the help of reading and studying literature. 

Literature has had a profound impact on shaping who I am today. Prior to studying literature, I read texts purely for the purpose  of exams, without really connecting the dots. However, when I began my Master's studies in the Department of English Mkbu, I   learned a great deal and my perspective on the world shifted. I have developed a greater understanding and appreciation of the power of language, which has greatly influenced my view. So studying literature has helped me to grow as a person and has broadened my horizons in numerous ways.