Bharat Bhise's Crypto Trading in 2020: Beginner's Guide

Bharat Bhise often gets asked by newcomers to the crypto trading game for some tips. Cryptocurrency experienced a tremendous boom throughout the past decade. Now, even individuals who have no idea as to how cryptocurrency works or gets traded are becoming interested. This especially applies to individuals who aren't particularly tech-savvy either; they want to invest in this rising tide of crypto, but don't even know how it works. But where do they start? How do they begin the process of trading

cryptocurrency, and what are some essential matters that they need to keep in mind?

This reason is precisely why Bharat Bhise has come up with a few tips as a beginner's guide.

1. Learn what cryptocurrency is

Essentially, cryptocurrency is a virtual form of money that is found and mined through computers. There is a finite amount of each specific variant of cryptocurrency available. Not all currencies are the same in purpose as well. This is why it's essential to familiarize yourself with the different kinds, objectives, and find the crypto you want to invest in.

2. Know how much you want to invest

This issue is something that will largely depend on you and your resources, financial situation, and investment portfolio. Bharat Bhise says that when it comes to investing in crypto, you'll need a healthy savings account. Make sure you clear off debts and have all your finances in order before making the jump.

3. Find a place to buy the crypto – Make sure you know where to source your coins. By referring to a reputable trading website or crypto exchanges, you can find accessible and reliable resources. Of course, once you've got your crypto holdings, you should be able to safely hold them in a crypto wallet that you can access anywhere in the world.

All in all, Bharat Bhise feels that trading in crypto is similar to trading stock. The only difference is that you're handling an entirely virtual currency. Make smart trades, keep an eye on the trends, and you should be just fine.