Get Fit Zone

Activities for the mind, body, and soul

Find Your Own Treasures Hunt

Practice self-care and self-love as you explore the treasures that make you, YOU! Try your hand at a treasure hunt at home by completing this activity.

"I Can" Affirmation with Ms. Tammy

It's time for a vibe check: get your positivity on with Ms. Tammy as you create your own "I Can" affirmation.

Trail Mix Remix!

Ms. Toscha and Ms. Tammy are at it again with a brand new trail mix for you to try.

Triple Play: Intro to Yoga

Combine the practice of breathing with body movements to get started with these basic yoga moves. Yoga has so many benefits: improve your flexibility, build strength, find your focus, relieve set, and reset your mood!

We would love to see your yoga moves! Email a picture of you in one of the featured poses or introduce us to a new yoga move. Once you send your picture to, we'll be sure to feature you on the Get Fit Zone!

So what are you waiting for? Find a quiet area with room for you to stretch out and get your yoga on!

Triple Play: Fitness Challenge with Ms. Zee

Ms. Zee from the Macon County Unit of Boys & Girls Clubs of Albany is here to help you stay fit. Join her through simple moves you can do at home.

Healthy Habits Cooking Class

Join Chef Tammy, Chef Yteela, and Chef Toscha as they make a simple snack mix with ingredients you'll likely find in your kitchen.