Bezier Patches - II

Welcome to Digital Creations by Venkat

I create mathematically defined decorative artworks that are uplifting and joyful and will brighten your day even if you are feeling dark. My work celebrates the beauty of lines, forms, and color, free from the traditional constraints of representation. Through a vibrant and dynamic dance of seductive lines, aesthetic forms, unexpected color combinations, and rhythmic repetitions, my pieces offer a refreshing escape from convention.

Unlike traditional artists, I don't physically draw or paint. Instead, I write code that instructs the computer to bring my vision to life. This unique approach allows me to explore the infinite possibilities of mathematical precision through scaling, placement, structure, or its lack of, resulting in artworks that are both clean and captivating. It also allows me to incorporate randomness in form and color to create unexpected movements and style.  While many of my pieces are abstract, others depict familiar subjects in a new light, inviting you to discover hidden beauty in the ordinary, simple representation.  

Step into my world and let the joy of pure form and color wash over you. Experience the freedom of mathematical expression and discover the beauty that lies beyond constraints.

By necessity, my work is available only as prints.  No two prints in any category are completely identical.  Every piece is original.

My work is best described as Mathematically Defined Decorative Art (MDDA).  It is by necessity digital.  It is based on my effort and not rendered using AI.  I do not physically draw or paint but I draw and fill in the colors using computer code. I work with a technical software package and I am constrained by its graphics engine.  I am particularly fond of  Bézier Curves  and the golden ratio.  My work is rich in color and form. It also features an element of randomness.  The graphics are clean and appealing and unusual.

My name is Venkat (P. Venkataraman) and I live in Rochester, NY, USA. 

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