Conference Proceedings

We plan to produce a conference proceedings for the Beyond Hyperbolicity Conference in colloboration with Charneyfest. It will primarily contain survey articles and we welcome submissions from all conference participants. We expect there will be a single volume of articles published.

If you plan to submit, please let one of the editors (Indira Chatterji, Mike Davis, Nicholas Miller, Mark Pengitore, Rachel Skipper, or Karen Vogtmann) know.

In view of restricted space, the editors feel that 12-15 pages would be an ideal length for contributed papers. We may accept longer survey articles, depending upon a strong recommendation from the referee.

The deadline for submission of articles for the Proceedings is December 31, 2021. Please submit them electronically using the form below. Articles will be subjected to a rigorous refereeing process as if for a journal.

Submitted articles should be created using the smfart class file.

class file

sample tex file