Recent Activities

Visit to Nogent June 2023

A group from the Beverley- Nogent Twinning Association has visited our twin town in France and, as always, was made very welcome. The group there had planned a varied weekend in association with the Council including an opportunity to meet members of the twinning association from Fucecchio, who remain very keen to develop links with us in Beverley. 

We visited a vineyard specialising in Champagne and went to the races at Chantilly, which is rather like going to Ascot. Many of the ladies had made hats including for our group so we could blend in [or not!]. 

We also attended a ceremony to mark the first speech of Charles de Gaulle after his arrival in London in 1940 broadcast to France to encourage resistance and steadfastness. “Whatever happens, the flame of the French Resistance must not and will not be extinguished.” 

June 1940 was a catastrophic month for the French with its armed forces in retreat and millions of people fleeing from the advancing German army. On the 14th June the Germans entered Paris. By the 16th June the French Government was seeking an armistice. France had been defeated and humiliated. General de Gaulle decided to continue the fight from Britain. He arrived in London June 1940. The next day the British Government agreed he could broadcast to the French people. The "appel" is so important because of its defiance as France collapsed. "France has lost a battle, but France has not lost the war... I call on all Frenchman, wherever they may be, to join me in action, in sacrifice, in hope" 

Martin Cox, President of the Association, explained, “In the absence of any councillor from Beverley I was asked to present a wreath. It felt very moving to take part in the ceremony.” 

Lots of discussions took place about the shape of twinning in the future. It seems to revolve around 3 aspects: 

Invitations to key celebrations in our towns, for example the 10th Anniversary of the twinning of Fucecchio and Nogent next year and the 55th anniversary of their twinning with Gersthofen in Germany in 2025 to which members and councillors from here will be invited. 

Visiting each other’s towns as a cultural exchange or as tourists to develop a sense of shared interests, history and friendship. 

Nogent Visit to Beverley Dec 2022

Following major changes of personnel within the Nogent twinning organisation and a long lapse of exchanges during Covid, a small delegation from Nogent comprising of 4 newly elected councillors; Valerie Lefevre, Sonia Viard, Marie-Jo Fuentes and Olivier Carre  of whom 3 are Deputy Mayors, visited Beverley on the weekend of 9th to 12th December. Partly to refresh freindships but also to introduce new committee membersthe visit coincided not only with the Christmas Fair but also the England France World Cup quarter final.

On Saturday they enjoyed visiting the Christmas Tree Festival within Beverley Minster and also touring Beverley with our resident guide Roger Day. Later, the highlight (for them) was watching their team beat England in the World Cup quarter finals following a meal of Lancashire Hot-Pot at Carol and Graham's house. Gracious in victory they were not!

Sunday morning was spent perusing the shops and stalls during the Festival of Christmas Fair which included an informal civic reception/buffet lunch with our Mayor Linda Johnson at the Monk's Walk pub. In the afternoon visits to the Guildhall and St. Mary's church were enjoyed whilst a Olivier and Marie-Jo visited the Leisure Centre where ideas were explored on similarities and differences on how the two Leisure Centres operated and the activities provided. Olivier is Deputy Mayor with specific responsibility for sports associations within Nogent.  Lastly in the evening an informal concert in the bar at East Riding Theatre was also a huge success.

The visit had a relaxed and easy feel and after a long absence, re-affirmed the warm relationship of the twinning. 

Social Meal June 2022

On 16th June members of the Beverley/Nogent Twinning Association enjoyed a social evening at Elwells at East Riding College, Beverley. It was our first real get together since the start of the Pandemic. 

It was great to meet up to kick start our activities and plan future visits with our friends in Nogent sur Oise, France. We hope this year to host a visit from councillors and members of their association over the weekend of the Beverley Christmas Fair.

Our Chair Martin Cox also read to us a communication from Alessio Spinelli the Mayor of the Italian town of Fucecchio who wished us a pleasant evening and expressed his hope of future twinning with his town in Tuscany.

Mayor Cllr Linda Johnson was in attendance and had opportunity to chat with members and other diners, and kindly drew the first raffle ticket in the obligatory fundraising raffle!

We thoroughly enjoyed the hospitality of Elwells staff and look forward to repeating the event in the Autumn.  Elwells is definitely recommended for similar activities as the relaxed atmosphere and well presented 3 course meal  ( and good value) went down very well.

February 28th Wine Tasting 2020

The wine tasting event held on 28th February 2020 was a great success with everyone who came saying how much they enjoyed themselves. Once again thanks to Carrie Smith who led an informative and amusing tutored tasting of a selection of reasonably priced wines from Majestic.

December 2019 - Christmas Tree Festival in the Minster

Once again we sponsored a Christmas Tree in conjunction with the Anglo-French society in  the Christmas Tree Festival 2019 held at Beverley Minster.

Thanks to Carol again for decorating it.

4 - 7 October 19 - The Nogentais visit Beverley

From Fri Oct 4th - Mon Oct 7th we welcomed 21 guests from Nogent-sur-Oise in France and also a party of 8 Italians from Fucecchio in Tuscany, which is also twinned with Nogent.

Fucecchio  has expressed an interest in linking with the Beverley Twinning Association and it seemed a good opportunity for representatives of their twinning group to visit during our French twinning visit to see what Beverley is about.

We had arranged an extensive programme for all our twinning guests which you can read about following the link below. 

You can view some more pictures by clicking on the photo on the right.

April 2019 - Film Night

Our very first film evening at Parkway Cinemas on 4th April proved to be a great success with over 40 people attending the showing of "Les Gardiennes" by Xavier Beauvoisin, a first world war period drama in French with English subtitles.

In addition to the film guests enjoyed some lovely themed nibbles thanks to Nancy from Lempicka cafe and a glass of bubbly.

This was the first of a proposed annual event which as well as raising much welcomed funds provided an excellent opportunity to meet like minded people and give information about our association. 

A l'année prochaine.

December 2018 - Christmas Tree Festival in the Minster

Once again we sponsored a Christmas Tree in conjunction with the Anglo-French society in  the Christmas Tree Festival 2018 held at Beverley Minster.

During the last visit to France  we asked our French friends in Nogent to jot down some Christmas wishes on notelets. These were attached to the tree as part of the decoration.

Thanks to Carol again for decorating it.

December 2018 - 20th Anniversary of the Twinning Association. The Nogentais Throw a Party

The 20th anniversary twinning visit to Nogent sur Oise was an action packed weekend for the 28 twinning association members and 8 invited Beverley dignatories and partners.

Saturday was a day out (sous la pluie) visiting the WW1 museum at Albert in the Somme and visits to memorial sites in the afternoon. Sunday was given up to a party at the Chateau de Rochers in Nogent for an afternoon and evening of speeches, dinner and dancing.

You can view some more pictures by clicking on the photo on the right.

April 2018 - The Nogentais Visit Beverley

The Nogentais once again visited Beverley during the weekend of 28th April with a varied programme of events covering most of East Yorkshire. Under cold weather we visited the Vintage Fair at Beverley Minster, Hull Museums, Beverley Bowls Club Open Day and the Tulip Festival at Burnby Hall Gardens.

February 2018 - Wine Tasting at Lempickas

Lempicka Café was once again full to bursting for our second wine tasting event.

This year it was all about grape and country identification with a light hearted quiz, a tutored tasting expertly led by Carrie Smith, followed by generous portions.

A buffet and fondue provided by Nancy helped to soak up the alcohol.

Another fantastic social night which was well supported by non members.

December 2017 - Christmas Tree Festival in the Minster

Once again we sponsored a Christmas Tree in conjunction with the Anglo-French society in  the Christmas Tree Festival 2017 held at Beverley Minster.

Thanks to Carol and Michelle for decorating it.

October 2017 - The Nogentais Visit Beverley

27th October saw the visit to Beverley of 15 Nogentais, slightly down on previous years due to the closeness of their annual visit to London.

Highlights of the visit were the Michaelmas Fair at Burton Agnes and the Blues Festival at various places around Beverley, followed on Sunday by a guided tour of Hull's historic old town with Paul Schofield from the City of Culture team.

You can read the report of the visit using the link below.

September 2017 - Mystery Antiques Night

The Mystery Antiques Night was all about guessing the purpose of the antique, fittingly held in one of the oldest pubs in Olde Beverley, The Monks Walk.

A light hearted and amusing night in good company and delicious food. Derek, our host had certainly dug up some intriguing objects, and even found some older than the people attending. Each object was passed around with a multiple choice of 4 options as to what might have been their original purpose. This led to some interesting discussions around the tables. So interesting in fact that cameras were forgotten and alas we have no pictures.

You will have to use your imagination, or alternatively sign up for the next event, which judging by the feedback, is bound to be repeated.

April 2017 - Annual Visit to Nogent

On Friday 28th April a group of 14 travelled to Nogent-sur-Oise. 

Opening the proceedings as usual was the Mayor's reception with speeches and entertainment from the local primary school children with light refreshments before retiring for evening dinner with host families.

The program had various options but included some or all of the following:

You can download and read the report on the visit using the Download button on the right.

You can view some more pictures by clicking on the photo on the right.