"...helping tell the story..."
 - Evan McNeeley
Editor's Column
"I have a 'Specialization Certificate' in Journalism from Michigan State University School of Journalism, continuously accredited since 1949." (click the 'five courses' Helmet/Coursera logo/favicon) - Evan

"Now in the sixth CALENDAR YEAR ...the 'reissue' of  Walking Between the Raindrops: press... now called Between!  'Between►press' includes the Columns/Sections: 'Emergency,' 'Health,' 'Set Terms,' 'Politics' ...and... 'MusicBox' (the most controversial one of them all).  PARENTAL ADVISORY 🏁   est.2020  Between►Press sm © ad infinitum (to forever) all rights reserved    🏁
I still have to go with the 'Big-Media Model!' Having advertisers pay to have their message put out in front of the audience I am building is 'but a dream' ...that is within reach. My operating costs are zero right now, & I spent $60 to have stickers made, which I give away and place at appropriate areas. I use a free website program from Google as well as all their tools. Google has a 'pay option' & will host the site as well. 'Lateraling' over to a 'pay site' hosted by them (& paying Social Media business accounts for promotion) is my goal... there features available, like advanced analytics ...among many I would like to use.
Multiple revenue streams would be ideal... I am very open to having skilled partners to explore this with. 'Social Media' offers revenue... also gains revenue from an outlet wanting to promote itself on its platform. I imagine doing a little of both on each social platform, with payments given to them to boost circulation, at least at first.I have a 'news-site' & 'social media presence' that 'drives traffic' to other sites & profiles that I do not own by embedding stories I feel are important (& want to feature). It is 'not for profit' right now & I receive no compensation. Creating content that is 100% original is the ultimate goal to 'take it to the next level' & is truly 'worth something.' Here, is also an opportunity to 'bring people on' ...Journalists, Creators, Multi-media experts... to do stories & content, for compensation.  I am looking for 'tier investors' that are 'well oiled' & versed in the expertise of finance as well. "I can do the basic website work" but taking it 'public' (successfully), creating professional layouts/stories & garnering advertisers/marketing are skills worth bringing on to the project (from others) as well as compensating them very well (enough so they stay but not too much that they want to vacation...  ba-dum-bum   ...economics 101 at the NYU Stern Business school).A 'launch' is my plan (everything in place at one time) ...Original Stories, initial ads and people that do the jobs I only have basic knowledge of.  I am 'building' now but "I want it built" (before 'any launch').  'The Launch' may never happen and Between►press may stay a 'hobby' ...which is fine too.  "I love doing it" - EvanMy project is 'infancy stage' & I nurture it... it may just be my 'baby' forever but has the potential to produce revenue one day.  'Driving Traffic' is a 'very new concept' and can garner 'pennies form heaven' ...realistically 'parts of pennies' (minute parts)... which 'can add up.'The future of Journalism in the United States does seem very bright; I agree completely with Joanne C. Gerstner (& Michigan State) about the expanding audience with many new opportunities in 'digital age' Journalism. 'Career Opportunities' are one of the many positives in the world of Journalism, using what was learned in my courses alone can help 'land a job' in a multitude of related fields if so desired (as also stated in the lesson). The increased number of jobs is a big positive, along with the variety of them; jobs like video producers... video editors & much more. I personally enjoy interacting with a wide variety of people & the differing/varying positions becoming available in the future; it is bonus to me, it makes the job more interesting to have so many different skills involved.  I am deeply rooted (and involved) in 'Entertainment & Media' ...this is a part of that industry to me (whether I am very successful or moderately).  I engage in 'other aspects' to include being a Member of 'SAG-Aftra' ...Taking Photos (that have over 10 Million Views) on 'Google Maps.'  Ameteur Script Writing... and more.  I enjoy taking classes about these and many other subjects.  These all interact well in my products I create.'Digital Newspapers' and magazines are the 'Future Here Now!' I consider 'digital delivery' of news very positive. 'Digital News' has created a much wider audience & easier access for the audience. I believe it is this 'easy access' that has increased consumption... & 'increased consumption' of news is a truly positive thing indeed for Journalism here in the US (and elsewhere); 'digital news' will only increase in my estimation, as more & more people carry 'smartphones' & 'go online.' 'Sports Scores,' 'Election Results,' the latest 'Celebrity Gossip' ...is all at our fingertips now ...literally; & [people will always want to know] as Joanne stated in the lesson. Access to news... & information in general is a BIG positive, a positive that wasn't available the way it is today back in the 1970s, 80s... 90s ...even the early 2000s. Readily accessible information is one of the best things to happen to Journalism, in distributing the news as well as reporting the news (as a Journalist). The internet & government openness in allowing access to public records has changed the game... for the better."What happens when we are 'blocked' though?" It seems humorous to worry about 'being blocked' in the future as a Journalist; being blocked on 'Facebook' or 'Twitter' doesn't completely keep you 'out of the game' nowadays (as a reporter) but it might in the future. "What happens when you are 'kicked off' the Social Media platform all together?" Even worse... kicked off 'all of them' because of the way you report news or because of the topic 'content' you choose to write about? Social Media standing & ranking might directly affect access to audiences (& even information) very soon for all time. People are discussing a 'social media credit report' & there hasn't been a real name given to what they are 'tossing around' yet. Even just recently, the Biden Administration has tried to create a 'disinformation office' to monitor 'fake news.' This is a list I would not want to be on, that would be created by the office. 'Fake' news... is a real negative in today's culture. It is a real blot and 'black eye' to legitimate news organizations... who bear a burden created by illegitimate news outlets, social media accounts & others that 'spread false information.' Even worse... 'fake news' is usually spread 'for a nefarious purpose,' the purpose never seems good; like trying to sway an election with lies, for example.On the other side of this 'topic' of creating a 'Social Media Account Holder Rating' (like a 'credit report' that all can view) there are discussions to designate 'Social Media Companies' as 'common carriers' (equivalent to phone service). The argument is that people use social media as their main way to communicate... just like phone service in the past. The debate is that phone companies cannot dictate what you say when using their service & cannot throw you off their service for what you are communicating about. Phone companies are 'common carriers' & the discussion about it (and 'push' by some) is that 'social media' should be considered the same as phone companies. [That since the future of free speech & communication is within social media, the companies should not be able to impede your right to free speech on their platform... because it is like dictating what you can & can't say over the phone] is how the talk about it is progressing. I imagine a main concern of the social media companies is that they do not want to be held accountable for what people are saying on their platform; so if the law says they are not liable for what account holders say... they might be open to 'common carrier' status (being common carriers), is my guess.Social Media and whatever the internet becomes in the future is very important to the world of Journalism. It is something all Journalists should be involved in to create stories & build an audience as well as be concerned about (with regard to their careers flourishing or being destroyed). Laws & regulations regarding internet access to information & access to audiences (by posting on a platform) are things Journalists should be very concerned about & involved with... it is the future of Journalism in the US and the world.
Between is a news-site/press-site/web-zine ...Between is almost entirely 'NOT' about me (Evan McNeeley, the Editor) or where I'm coming from...  I did not create any of the content (and I do not necessarily agree with things I find), "I'm diggin' on what our culture really is..." (is what Between is about).  I'm not shaping our culture into something that it isn't already ...it is 'things of the moment.'  Between is a documentation of both sides ...all sides... and facets of our precious gem that is earth with regard to events, movements, news and happenings online... "and I'm not sure if all or ANY of it is true but I think most of it is ...but have removed many things that weren't true already, reported some violations and printed retractions of posted falsities." - Evan (Editor) 
"Between►press came from you!" (All the people online, on Television, Radio, writing books, making art, making a statement or living life) "This is what is going on... online, worth a look." Again, Between (or the Editor, me, Evan) did not create any of this content ...it is only discovered and 'reported' to you (hence the 'press' name).  The 'Headlines' with 'synopsis'/commenting & the 'ordering' is my contribution; it is done in a random way, basically to fit the page(s), with the newer things on top.  Some of  Between is quite 'edgy' or perhaps insulting... or what some might perceive as violations, perhaps ...but that is not my intention, I try to mark it properly as 'Parental Advisory' as well, when appropriate, as well as other adherence(s).   Credit is given as much as possible and always when the source is known (and is OK with being known).
This is not a platform to influence opinions, elections, markets or to spread fake news, discredit people or even have laughs at someone's expense making them feel bad (it might seem that way to some or sometimes depending on your viewpoint or position ...or not...) "hopefully everyone understands this project right away."  
Betweenpress (and related columns / section pages) ...are discoveries, collections, compilations, data mining... "I truly strive to give credit for everything..." some was not possible to ...some I will try again to add who created / said it using the new 'Google Lens' (especially the 'Library' Files / Docs).  
Between►press might be a bit of 'trail blazing' and 'breaking ground' in some ways... some times.  The 'new way' might be close to this in co-operation, driving traffic agreements... and profit sharing from using or receiving traffic ...or 'embedding' might become more strict (or be done away with completely).  "Who knows??? We'll see..." and I am 'all for' making people money (and for myself as well) ...the key will be in agreements and legislation, I suppose... 'the Devil being in the details' ...and a little wack on the beast's head once in a while, most likely.
Between► is 'not-for-profit' (for now, maybe for always) and does not receive ad money; any money it might receive from Donations will go back into the site or to charity... or maybe 'take it to the next level' if it garners interest among the 'investing tier' of people.  
Between►press is 'the Press' ...it is 'Journalism' and 'reporting of news.'  Today's news takes many forms and that is a different discussion (and debate, even).  
Between►press uses 'public domain' (and strives to keep to that) and/or 'fair use' in its Journalism.  I (the Editor) want to 'report' great finds but also want to respect the creators/owners... as well as privacy ...or anonymity if requested by sources... and to try and give credit (a very important aspect), 'good info' (helpful, "I got a bunch of thank you along with everything else"), as well as being entertaining (truly the fun part).  
Between►press 'drives traffic' from most of its entries but does not charge, receive or solicit payment in any form.  Again, the act  of Between►press is 'reporting' stories.  Stories fall into many categories to include: People, Politics, Events, Entertainment, Happenings, Artistic Creations, Emergencies, Health and more are reported as 'News-Stories' / Entries / Supporting Articles of Information.  It is in the tradition of repeating raw stories from AP wires (but uses all sources possible).  Stories would be based on 'raw stories' gathered and 'put on the wire.'  I am not sure how credit and payment was provided then but I also follow the accredited practice of crediting all sources.  Again, I see 'great potential' in 'Driving Traffic' but I do not receive any payment, advertising monies or compensation at this time.
"Finds ...reported to you;" it comes from many sources (search engines, social media, television, radio, print... more) ...from talking to people & observing, too... things in 'Learning' were found 30, 20 & 10 years ago, some of it just recently.  It is 100% from outside sources... and some of it might even be wrong ...I have made corrections and withdrawals already (there are some 'real d*cks' out there... I feel like doing the story on 'fake news' one day ...and straight out criminals, for who knows what reason they lie... well, there it is ...take Between► with 'a grain of salt' (and maybe a shot!) ...there is some good to honest stuff in here though.
"I use it myself..." (& look at it once in awhile) ...all I need is a device & a connection... (the original intention of putting this online) ...so I could access needed information anywhere... "I decided to share it with the world, instead of keeping it to myself"  (I was online reposting, looking for bookings and discussing things anyway).  I found a new love of 'Storytelling' with Between press and 'a new spin.'  It helps my other Entertaiment & Media mindset(s) and vise versa.  Between is a 'slant' and 'spin' of its own.  Between is 'my take' in a way... in what I select.  I honestly try to 'be honest' and present both sides of a debate or conflict if reporting one.  "There is a lot of 'sifting' and again, I do not always know what is true or fake."
I'm still 'shaping' the Format & Update Procedure.  Sections go for months without new content.  The 'Awards' pages are a little behind sometimes & it's 'still' missing pieces almost five years later... (and from the original format on G+) ...putting it back together (in the fifth calendar year).  Some people don't even know what G+ was, heheh... it was incredible and my site was seamless with the other Google Apps & Tools. This a great too though and I enjoy 'waeving' all the Social Media and News Sites together into 'my creation' even more than then.  Right now, links 'within' documents are 'still' temporarily disabled... (even this late date and I'm working on the site it daily / weekly, just about, one way or another... I forget a part needs attention or a section needs fresh updates) ...but, it's readable ...& accessible... 'for your viewing pleasure'  (or new 'guilty' pleasure).  New ideas on how to go about updating are bearing fruit... some pages might be moved to other site-columns.
"♫ A Machine called  Between...it's size, scope & depth... are unlimited.  "Buckle-up! (& hopefully)  Enjoy!!!  It's becoming... intricate."
While working on Between, besides basing it on former ideas from it's old (and now defunct) G+ profiles & community groups... I sometimes remember people sending things in emails to each other in the 90s... that was what social media and 'viral' was.  My take on it today (and I could be off or inaccurate) was the amount of 'social' Emails would 'clog up' the WWW (world wide web) somewhat and corporate or government correspondence as well (people did it at work mainly, before you could even be caught for it) ...and they said these emails [were like viruses...] (the origin of the term 'viral') because they were 'resent' to large groups of people at once very quickly (if 'good content' was in them, like today... things were 'resent' ...called reposting today... jpegs, gifs and 'wavs' existed back as well).  It was like a 'virus' in that it spread so quickly when 're-sent' something cool sent to them and so many people shared it on emails that it slowed down productivity, the internet, or even crashed servers, I believe (servers that had nowhere near the capacity servers have today)... as far as I can recollect ...what is called 'breaking the internet' today.  This was back in the day when American Online really took off... and 'was' happening (remember moderators??? I hated some of of them!); I used to pay AOL by the hour (that was the payment option then)  ...then came 'unlimited'... (a flat monthly payment) ...I was sooo addicted to that... hours would just evaporate into late night.   This was waaay before what we have today... and finding something cool, sharing (and hooking up with people from chatting) was 'a thing' back then too ...this is what Between► came from... finding cool sh*t, important info or someone(s) that look good, then sharing it with people you knew.
I created and am currently working on Betweenpress, which is a 'News-site' / 'Web-zine'.  Failure to me looks like a 'old front page' without any new stories on it... or 'links' not working in Betweenpress, along with the sections and Columns (or related accounts). I try to do it every night... but I never have, there have always been days, weeks even a month (or more) that I haven't updated the site or posted any 'new finds.' In my world (of Betweenpress) ...failure or success is not measured in money (I receive no ad money) or subscribers nor am I concerned for anything going viral. My success is not measured in these things... failure would be 'prevented from doing it' (doing what I love) ...in today's world we are 'thrown off' social media... or 'shadow banned' or 'banned in entire countries' even. A Journalist has to worry about her or his 'personal safety' when reporting controversial stories ...and 'topics,' as well... something that scares me (with real fear).  Journalists are not seen in 'having rights' (the right of being 'the Press') ...they are seen as 'parasites' that 'live off' what others do and look like (taking pictures / 'paparazzi'). Journalists 'help' with truth being told and image/content being seen but not everyone wants the truth to be told or are picky about who they would want to help with 'exposure' (not necessarily wanting to be associated with a 'paper' or 'magazine' or 'reporter').  Not only have there been attempts to take away Journalists rights, money and freedom... but also to take away their lives, property, reputation, health and well being.
The complete victory (success) of Betweenpress is that it does exist... and I love doing it. I deal with fear of posting controversial things by 'hoping people see my intentions' ...which are not bad... (I'm not a felon). Mainly, I have fun with it (which is one of my intentions, fun). Failure is also being misunderstood... I do not want to be a 'poster boy' for copyright infringement, fake news, addiction, insulting women or insulting anyone ...I want to report 'what is out there' ...what is 'going on.' Betweenpress came from 'everyone else' "Betweenpress came from you" ...I only found these things and 'reported them' ...shared what 'I found' (hence the 'press' / 'news-site' name). I deal with fear by 'being more professional' ...by 'taking classes' (My Certificates are below ...great ones... wow ...what great people doing the teaching).  I take the classes so I 'have knowledge' ...and can 'speak with knowledge' about what I am reporting... to have 'street creds' <smile> I would like to deal with the fear of not being accepted ...of being 'shut out' ...by 'doing it more.' Posting more... and doing Betweenpress ...into an art-form... making it 'art' as itself is how I would like to deal with failure and the fear of failure.
I try to get outside into the Park to 'refresh' ...corny but true... exposing myself to new people online (and outside here and there) keeps me fresh. Seeing all the 'current' things online... on social media is very renewing and of course, classes give me 'new knowledge' and viewpoints on the things I love and am interested in; "I take a lot of classes on Coursera" (what a great idea they came up with).
Thank you for checking out my 'Web-zine,' 'Press' & 'Paper'  (a 'Paper' when I print it out) ...it is one of the most fun & fulfilling things I have ever done.  Thank you to ALL who participated in this grand experiment, illusion & invention of our modern times ('the Internet' & 'Social Media') ...wow! 
- Evan 
Note on 'Sources:'  Effort is made to give credit and list all sources of information.  The articles placed on site(s) are 'self crediting'.  Docs & Files in 'the Library' do & don't have credit / sourcing attached.  The library is made as a 'public service' and reference page(s) as well as public domain (that is how the info was found, in public domain).  I, the Editor, will always add where the info came from (if I can / will make sure) and will strive to 'reaffirm' where the info in Files and Docs came from (that are currently there) which means going back to try and find out, as my own idea (not because someone told me to).  'Unknown Sources' are comments heard on the radio or television where finding out the name was not possible... or came from conversations ...and / or books, magazines or papers from long ago in memory where the source is forgotten (and the quote is only close to accurate, at best).   Further, the entire site is not-for-profit and meant as a reference for people, rather than gaining ad-revenue or accolades in journalism.  It is meant to help and entertain and hopefully I have given all credit where credit should be given; I will strive to in the greatest traditions of 'accreditation' in journalism. 
"It is one of the most fun & fulfilling things I have ever done ...a long, long way from emailing cool stuff I saw on the internet to others in the 90s!"
- Evan McNeeley Editor of Between►press and related column / section sites.

I have over 15 million views of my Photos 
in the 'Contributions' section as a 'Level 7' Local Guide on Google Maps. Google informed me I am one of their top photographers!!!  NICE!!! (...and wow... 15 million ...wow). 
I maintain the discipline of 'framing' and 'awareness of light' during every shot I take (every one that I can remember) ...hoping for 'a capture' / a 'shot that lives on its own' somehow... that shows an emotion / idea / expression or 'invokes' an emotion / idea ...or something unexpected.  I take many shots from the exact same position and angle always... I delete about 97% of my work ...usually just picking one (or two).- Evan
The MoMA class is amazing!  My Dad and many others taught me to shoot (from very young) and I continued my interest throughout my whole life.  
"I grew up in Brooklyn... 15 Million views as a 'Local Guide' in NYC is a long way from snapping pics of bars & beach girls in Newport Beach, California ...for my side project / website idea there, to promote Bars in the Southern California region."
On an important side note about my time in California (because these things come up somehow... and I don't know how or why completely), I had spent 25% of my life there (and 45% of my adult life over 21 approx) before I left to come back to Brooklyn to see my family.  Very few in Newport (or NYC) knew I was hired by a Taxi Co. in California as a PR person and only some knew I did the '1-800-For My Taxi' Commercial for them, which was aired as far up as San Francisco I believe, it was a big company.  No one in Brooklyn knows I did all this or was doing my side project website... it would be 'just another' wild story from me to add to the pile of stories about me to people here in NYC, anyway.  It might have gotten around by now, though.  My 'VAN949 Webzine' project and 'California Taxi job' are in my Work Experience section.
My side project, 'VAN949' in California, was my idea and I was not paid for that, it was not part of my Taxi PR position.  It was another attempt at a 'web-zine' ...this time on the West Coast ...my first attempt was '.citytoburn.' on the East Coast in NYC.  The name became inappropriate because of 9/11 so I folded it; .citytoburn. was incorporated, had a public access TV show, a college radio show slot and had a registered trademark.  It was a lot to give up but felt like the right thing to do in the face of that tragedy... the name .citytoburn. did not inspire 'going out and painting the town red' any longer ...it invoked images of NYC burning.
Later when I moved to Newport Beach... me being in the Taxi Commercial and then featured on "The Fifth Wheel" dating show was a big boost to my reputation to get people involved in the VAN949 project... I was going to incorporate VAN949 ...and create 'spin offs' like 'Girl About Town' (GAT) which was already a column and about what that 'girl you were seeing all over the place' had to say about things; there were quite a few females ...really 'doing the whole scene' from music events to the hottest bar-restaurants to mega mansion house parties on the beach and inland ...I drove them as far as Venice Beach or Coronado Beach and more... from Newport ...taking pictures of most of them with their consent.  
It ended when people started making up stories about me giving 'roofies' to people and stories of me grabbing women's asses.  "How many others like me, I wonder, that had to go through this?"  Though I don't know what a 'roofie' looks like... not until this day and was given many drugs and pills as tips which I gave to others ...I have to take responsibility for it as well as 'grazing' butt accidentally or 'goosing' female ass whether unintentionally or because I thought a female was coming on to me.   It was true (is what I'm saying but not true at the same time... if that  makes sense).  I honestly do not know what a 'roofie' looks like until this day (Aug 3rd, 2024).
Also worth noting to clear my name is that I had many, many girlfriends in Newport... dating two or three steadily at any given time ...I was not desperate for sex and would never purposely commit a felony or do bad things to others.  I married one that I was dating... we got married in Las Vegas ...then we moved to Long Beach... a little north in LA County.  Little did I know my newly acquired 'bad reputation' would follow me and my new wife to Long Beach... and then even back here to Brooklyn 6 or 7 years later in 2008/9 from 2002/3 incidents until this day 20 years later August 2022.  "How many others has this happened to?"  I deleted all my California pics around 2009 (people were young then in 2003) but all gave permission, though. I saved 'Jeanna on top of my Taxi' & only 2 or 3 others that don't involve nudity or the like for the Work Experience resume page on my background info site.  
- Van (my nickname then)
"...even 'more' different-er..."

I've taken many courses and received certificates from 'Leading Universities in the Field' to be able to report the news professionally & with knowledge about the subjects in its various News-Site columns!- Evan

People helped me, hope I helped you!
- Evan McNeeley (Editor)
"Great Info, fun & 'Finds' reported to you!" Between► did not create any of the content & does not receive advertising dollars. 

Between► does not receive or  solicit advertising monies & is public domain / not-for-profit. Between► did not create (nor owns) any of the content (they are 'finds' reported to you) ...enjoy!  Between► is (NSFW) not safe for work ...MusicBox & other articles are PARENTAL ADVISORY...  Between► is a 'Webzine' (& 'Press-site') also D/B/A Between►press  
Between: press (and related sites) are discoveries, collections, compilations, data mining ...finds... (over decades)   "I use it myself... (and look at it once in awhile) all I need is a device and a connection ...which was the original intention of putting it online...  so I could access needed information anywhere ...I decided to share it with the world instead." 
BETWEEN:, Between Between:,  Between►press Between: press 'Between♥Bae' 'Musicbitch' 'Music♥babe' 'BetweenBrad' 'MusicBro' & Walking between the Raindrops: are sm tm & copyright 2015- 2024 ad infinitum (to forever) all rights reserved (the 'certain letters capitalized' & use of the & :  makes the distinction) resemblance(s) will eventually be litigated "but in all honesty I just want to be able to use these without anyone(s) saying 'I can't' with litigation, thanks for checking out the Site!" 
And a note on 'Sources:'  Effort is made to give credit and list all sources of information.  The articles placed on site(s) are 'self crediting'.  Docs & Files in 'the Library' do & don't have credit / sourcing attached.  The library is made as a 'public service' and reference page(s) as well as public domain (that is how the info was found, in public domain).  I, the Editor, will always add where the info came from (if I can / will make sure) and will strive to 'reaffirm' where the info in Files and Docs came from (that are currently there) which means going back to try and find out, as my own idea (not because someone told me to).  'Unknown Sources' are comments heard on the radio or television where finding out the name was not possible... or came from conversations ...and / or books, magazines or papers from long ago in memory where the source is forgotten (and the quote is only close to accurate, at best).   Further, the entire site is not-for-profit and meant as a reference for people, rather than gaining ad-revenue or accolades in journalism.  It is meant to help and entertain and hopefully I have given all credit where credit should be given; I will strive to in the greatest traditions of 'accreditation' in journalism. 
"It is one of the most fun & fulfilling things I have ever done ...a long, long way from emailing cool stuff I saw on the internet to others in the 90s!"
"Thanks for just checking it out!!!" - Evan  Editor of Between►press and related column / section sites.