Witches & Bitches

6x45 Supernatural Comedy Drama

Pitch and Spec Script available

Martha, Eliza, and Daisy want to finally make their 20s a decade to remember. But they've been redoing their 20s for 400 years. What other supernatural forces will stop them from getting it right this time?

Martha, Eliza, and Daisy are your typical girl flat share Coven - They just want the normal 20s experience and to find themselves. But they’ve been doing this for a while, and their lives are still shit, they have no idea who they are, and yeah...

They’re Witches.


But this will pass!


Blake Lively's mantra doesn't apply to magic being revealed to humans.


You think that's Blake Lively's quote?

The Coven are doomed to never learn from the same mistakes they make over and over again unless they reclaim their past- 

Because how can you find your power if you don't have what's come before.

How have women gone from the stake to the vibrator? 

Exploring how the Witch Hunts have shaped the modern woman

As an autistic woman, if I was alive during the British Witch Trials, I’d be a goner.

The only way I would’ve had a chance of surviving is if I suppressed my autistic traits, masked, and pretended to be someone else.

To not be targeted in the Witch Hunts, you had to be a nice girl, and those nice girls probably passed this warning onto their daughters, and to theirs and so on and so on until we get to this current generation of young women - my generation.

But why do people need to watch this show? 

It’s very shit to be a woman right now. 

We still live in a world where men value religion over the lives of women, and our rights are now starting to be stripped away. Our world is not safe for women.

We need a fun Feminist Flat Share Witch Story to lighten the mood.




Mum of the group who hates herself




May be depressed but is a mother fucking witch




Real life Manic Pixie Dream Girl without the male gaze

Witches & Bitches has everything you want in a great flatshare coming of age story, with a supernatural edge which will truly showcase what is a woman’s world.