How to cure type 2 diabetes permanently naturally

Everything You Need to Know About Diabetes

Diabetes is a dangerous and sometimes life-threatening disease when left unmanaged. It is a disease that can affect a person physically and mentally. Diabetes can lead to many diseases such as heart diseases, blindness, renal diseases, and many others.

Many people all across the world are diagnosed with diabetes with each passing day. In the past, people with diabetes could not survive more than a few months. However, now with recent progress in science and medicine, diabetes patients can enjoy a normal lifespan if they take proper precautions to control it.

Many diabetes patients want to know how to get rid of diabetes completely, but unfortunately, there is no such permanent cure for diabetes. Controlling it by making essential changes in your lifestyle and taking medicines on time is the only treatment.


What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition in which a person's body cannot produce enough insulin or the produced insulin is not effectively being used by the cells. Insulin is a natural hormone produced by the pancreas to control glucose levels in the blood.

If the right amount of insulin is not being produced, blood glucose levels become very high, causing harm to the human body. It can cause kidney damage, heart attack, strokes, loss of vision, and many other diseases.

What are the most common types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes through which many people all across the globe are suffering:

1. Type 1 Diabetes:

Type 1 diabetes is known as insulin-dependent diabetes. In this type of diabetes, the body cannot produce insulin as antibodies attack the pancreas and no longer produces insulin.

It usually happens in the childhood of the person and takes time to develop ultimately. It is not yet clear that what prompts the attacks, but according to various reports, it is clear that your genes might cause this type of diabetes. People who have type 1 diabetes are at higher risk of heart attack and strokes.

2. Type 2 Diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes is usually known as a non-insulin-dependent type of diabetes. In this type of diabetes, your body is able to produce some insulin but is not being effectively used by the cells.

In recent years, it has become quite common in young people such as teens and children. Overweight or obese people are more likely to have type 2 diabetes because obesity can create an insulin resistance in your body, which means now your pancreas has to work hard to make more insulin, or your cells will stop responding to the insulin produced.

3. Gestational diabetes:

Many pregnant women may have gestational diabetes, as pregnancy can also cause insulin resistance in some bodies. Doctors can spot it in the middle or late pregnancy.

As the women's blood sugars travel through their placenta to their baby, it is essential to control gestational diabetes in its early stage to protect the baby's growth and development.

If gestational diabetes is left unmanaged, it can cause many complications in the pregnancy and harm the baby's health. It can cause the baby to gain unusual weight before birth and trouble in breathing at birth. The mother will then have to go for a cesarean section to deliver an overly large baby. The baby will experience obesity and many other health issues throughout his life.

What is Prediabetes?

Prediabetes is your chance to prevent type 2 diabetes and live a diabetes-free life. It is a severe health condition in which the glucose level in a human body is higher but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes.

If you have prediabetes, you are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. However, you can reverse prediabetes fast by adopting a healthy lifestyle. The chances of developing type 2 diabetes can be reduced by changing your diet and adopting a proper workout routine.

Signs and Symptoms for Prediabetes?

Unfortunately, there are no such clear symptoms for prediabetes which means that you can have prediabetes for years without knowing it. It often goes undetected completely until serious health problems show up. It is crucial to get your sugar levels tested if you have any of the risk factors that are mentioned below:

· Being overweight or older than 45

· Having any family history of prediabetes or type 2 diabetes

· Being physically inactive for a longer time

· Having high blood pressure

· Suffered from gestational diabetes or have delivered a baby weighing more than 9 pounds

· Struggling with polycystic ovary syndrome

What types of diabetes can you get rid of completely?

There is no cure for Type 1 diabetes. People diagnosed with type 1diabetes require lifelong management of the disease to enjoy an average lifespan. However, the consistent monitoring of your blood sugar levels and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help you avoid serious health complications associated with Type 1 Diabetes.

Gestational diabetes typically goes away after the baby is born. However, it can cause many complications in your pregnancy and delivery. Women diagnosed with gestational diabetes in their pregnancy are at higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later in their lives. However, if they succeed in controlling it at an early stage, they can minimize the chances of developing type 2 diabetes and prevent severe complications in their pregnancy.

Type 2 diabetes can be successfully managed if you make healthier choices in your life. Many people have successfully reversed this condition by making significant changes in their diet and daily routine. If quick action is taken after a prediabetes diagnosis, you can avoid developing Type 2 diabetes efficiently. However, even Type 2 diabetes can be reversed by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

7 Lifestyle tips to reverse prediabetes naturally

A prediabetes diagnosis does not mean that you will surely develop type 2 diabetes. If you are diagnosed with prediabetes, don't panic and lose hope, as you can reverse this condition by making significant changes in your lifestyle.

Getting your sugar level to the normal range is the goal for reversing prediabetes. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, you will avoid type 2 diabetes and the health complications associated with this disease, such as heart diseases, nerve damage, strokes, blurred or loss of vision, and many others. To help you reverse prediabetes naturally, some of the essential lifestyle tips are:

1. Eat a balanced and clean diet:

A diet high in processed foods that have added calories, fats, and sugars with no nutritional value is one of the risk factors is prediabetes. Eating a clean and balanced diet can help you restore normal blood sugar levels.

There is no official diet, but healthier choices should be made to reverse prediabetes naturally. Try to incorporate the following foods into your diet:

· Choose whole-grain products over processed products such as canned foods, white bread, or breakfast cereals

· Choose nuts, whole grains, fish, and poultry over red meat to eliminate the risk of prediabetes.

· Choose good fats such as those in vegetable oil, seeds, or nuts instead of those in margarine, fried foods, or baked goods

· Drink coffee or tea instead of soft drinks or other sugary drinks

2. Choose a workout routine for yourself:

People who are not physically active for a more extended period are at higher risk of developing prediabetes. People who exercise regularly remain fit and healthy throughout their lives. It will lower your blood sugar levels and allows your cells to use insulin efficiently.

If you were physically active before the diagnosis of prediabetes, it is better to start slow first. First, engage yourself in light physical activity for 10 minutes and then gradually start increasing the time. You must be thinking, "Can I reverse prediabetes with diet and exercise"? The answer to this is Yes, you can reverse prediabetes by exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet.

You can work out at home, go to a gym, or do any other physical activity that you enjoy the most such as going for a morning walk, jogging, hiking, swimming, playing your favourite sport, or any other activity of your choice. Take advice from your doctor, and then choose a workout plan for yourself that is safe.

3. Lose excess weight:

Another risk factor of prediabetes is obesity and overweight. People who are overweight or obese are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Losing 5 to 15 percent of your excess weight can improve your blood sugar levels.

Overweight and obesity increase the insulin resistance in your body and make it difficult for your pancreas to produce enough insulin for your body. Exercising regularly and eating healthy can help you in shedding off those extra pounds. To make your losing weight journey easy, you can hire a personal trainer for yourself to help you achieve your body goals.

Another tip for losing excess weight is to eat 4 to 6 smaller meals throughout the day instead of having three large meals. Eating in small portions can help discourage large swings in blood sugar levels and decrease hungry levels. It will also help you to avoid any impulsive snacking throughout the day.

4. Control carbohydrates in your diet:

People who want to reverse prediabetes should carefully choose their carbohydrates even if they are eating a healthy diet. Including the right carbohydrates

In your diet can help reverse your prediabetes fast.

You should include the carbohydrates rich in fibre and take longer to break in your diet to prevent any blood sugar spikes. These carbohydrates are:

· Beans

· Cereals and whole grain products

· Fresh vegetables

Simple or refined carbohydrates should be avoided as they cause an immediate spike in blood sugar levels and make it hard for you to reverse prediabetes. These carbohydrates should be avoided entirely or at least limited:

· Sweet candies

· Soft drinks

· Yogurt

· Pasta

· White rice

· Baked foods

· White bread

5. Stop smoking:

Many people know that smokers are at higher risk of heart diseases and lung diseases, but they don't know that smoking can also increase their bodies' insulin resistance.

Smoking can increase your chances of developing type 2 diabetes if not controlled instantly. If you want to reverse prediabetes, you need to quit smoking immediately as it can make managing the disease and regulating the sugar levels quite difficult.

Nicotine is known to decrease insulin effectiveness, so smokers will need more insulin in their body to regulate blood sugar levels. However, it requires a lot of willpower and self-control to quit smoking altogether. You can use nicotine gums or patches to help you quit smoking. There are various medications as well that will help you to curb your nicotine cravings.

6. Make a habit of drinking more water:

Drinking more water throughout your day can help in maintaining normal blood sugar levels. It is undoubtedly the best way to reverse diabetes and eliminate the chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

Water can be a healthy substitute for soft drinks or other sugary drinks. If you are diagnosed with prediabetes, make a habit of drinking more water throughout your day. This habit will help you in achieving your goal of regulating normal blood sugar levels.

7. Get yourself a dietitian nutritionist :

Knowing what to eat and how to be physically active after diagnosed with prediabetes can be pretty tricky. If you are struggling with establishing a healthy lifestyle, it is better to consult a dietitian-nutritionist.

A dietitian nutritionist can provide you with nutritional guidance and advice related to foods that you should include in your avoid and foods you should avoid eating to maintain constant blood sugar levels.

They will help you by developing a specific diet plan according to your condition and suggesting strategies to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. They will help you achieve your goal of stabilizing your blood sugar levels in a short period.

3 Things you should know about Type 2 diabetes

Undoubtedly, Type 2 diabetes can be a scary diagnosis. Most people don't know that they have prediabetes until the health complications associated with type 2 diabetes appear. They lose their chance to save themselves from developing type 2 diabetes. Reversing prediabetes is a complicated process as not every person can succeed in it.

Type 2 diabetes should not be left unmanaged as it can cause severe damage to the human body. People diagnosed with type 2 diabetes should have the proper knowledge to prevent and manage the disease better. Some of the things that you should definitely know about Type diabetes are:

1. It has no permanent cure:

It may panic you at first that type 2 diabetes has no permanent cure but still, it highly manageable by making significant lifestyle changes. If quick action is taken, it can be reversed, and you will be able to live a life without needing to take any medications to keep your sugar levels in control.

2. It is on the rise, especially targeting young adults:

There is a misconception about Type 2 diabetes that people older than 45 can get diagnosed with it. However, it has proved wrong in recent years as many young adults were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It can be because type 2 diabetes is linked with higher mass bodies and obesity, which is becoming more common in young adults.

3. It can go unnoticed for many years:

The problematic aspect of this disease is that it has no clear symptoms. The symptoms such as fatigue, increased thirst, and increased hunger are hard to pin down and often take time to appear. Still, these symptoms are pretty common and often go unnoticed.

Many people know that they have Type 2 diabetes after it has already caused severe damage to their bodies. It is recommended to get your sugar levels tested once in 6 months or a year if you are overweight or physically inactive for an extended period. The early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes will help you reverse it in a short time.

How to cure Type 2 diabetes naturally permanently

According to various reports, there is no permanent cure to type 2 diabetes. However, many natural remedies will improve your diabetes and prevent serious health complications associated with it.

These natural remedies will not completely cure the disease, but you will not need any medications to keep your blood sugar levels in a normal range. However, there is always a possibility that the symptoms will return later in life.

You can easily find ingredients of these natural remedies in your pantry that will help you to keep your blood sugar levels in control. They will be effective only if you include them in your diet daily. Some of the natural remedies that can increase the insulin production in your body and stabilize your glucose levels are:

1. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon is known as the booster of insulin sensitivity. It contains a bioactive compound that can help fight and prevent type 2 diabetes. The usage of cinnamon stimulates the insulin activity in your body and stabilizes blood sugar levels.

However, excess of everything is bad for human health. The excess amount of cinnamon can cause severe liver damage. The best way to consume cinnamon is to take half or one teaspoon of cinnamon with water daily. Another way of taking cinnamon is to boil raw cinnamon in 2 glasses of water and drink it regularly.

2. Aloe vera:

Aloe vera can easily be found in every house as many people can it for beauty purposes. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it ideal for controlling blood sugar levels other than healing wounds.

Consuming aloe vera can be challenging as it is bitter in taste, but combining it with buttermilk can make it taste relatively better.

3. Java plum:

Java plum and its leaves are quite beneficial for lowering blood sugar levels. Making it a part of your diet can help you manage diabetes efficiently. According to various reports, consuming 100 grams of Java plum daily can tremendously regulate your blood sugar levels.

4. Fish oil:

Besides keeping your brain and heart healthy, fish oil also helps in managing type 2 diabetes efficiently. Its anti-inflammatory properties help in boosting insulin activity. If you want to keep your blood sugar levels in control, make fish oil a part of your diet.

5. Vitamin C:

Another natural remedy for managing your type 2 diabetes is taking Vitamin-C enriched diet. Vitamin C can significantly improve your blood sugar levels, so people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes should regularly consume foods rich in Vitamin C. Some food options are orange, blueberry, amla, and tomato.

How to reverse Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 is a chronic health situation that is targeting people worldwide at an alarming rate. People diagnosed with type 2 diabetes often panic and takes too much stress, which eventually worsens their condition.

However, blood sugar levels and insulin production levels can be restored to the normal range again by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Reversing type 2 diabetes may not be necessarily permanent but can help you live everyday life without taking any medications.

By healthy lifestyle, it means to include regular physical activity, a nutritious diet, getting a healthy amount of sleep, and managing your stress levels.

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Can you reverse Type 2 diabetes with diet and exercise?

Reversing type 2 diabetes requires simple changes in your diet and daily routine to manage the disease. The main goal is to lower your sugar intake and increase insulin production in your body.

It does not only requires you to limit your intake of soft drinks, chocolate bars, or cookies as they can increase your sugar levels instantly. Reversing your type 2 diabetes can only be possible if you take a healthy and balanced diet regularly. Refined and starchy foods such as white bread, pasta, potatoes, the rice should be avoided altogether.

Going vegan has also become an effective way to stabilize your blood sugar levels. According to many reports, people following vegan diets have a high chance of reversing type 2 diabetes and reducing their medication compared to those following conventional diet.

Other than a healthy diet, another way to reverse Type 2 diabetes in a short period is being more physically active throughout your day. It is evident from many reports that diabetes usually targets people who are overweight, obese, or not physically inactive for an extended period.

Reversing type 2 diabetes can only be possible if you include any physical activity in your daily routine. Exercising 30 minutes for five days consistently will be quite enough to keep your blood sugar levels in control.

Can you reverse Type 2 diabetes by losing weight?

It is not always the case that obese or overweight people are only diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can also target people that are slim and smart. However, obese and overweight people are at higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes than normal people as insulin resistance and obesity are always linked together.

Losing excess weight can be quite an excellent way to reverse type 2 diabetes as then you will be able to decrease the insulin resistance in your body to a great extent. The more you lose weight, the more close you become to reverse type 2 diabetes successfully.

However, losing weight when you have diabetes becomes even more difficult than usual. Extreme exercise plans and drastic diets are not sustainable as you get tired of it in few days, and your chances of getting off track become pretty high.

The right way is to incorporate a healthy diet and consistent workout plan into your overall diabetes management plan. Some of the tips to get you started on the path of losing weight successfully are:

· Set small and realistic goals for yourself as it will help you stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey

· Choose a workout plan for yourself that you are most likely to enjoy

· Eat your meals in small portions

· Keep track of your calories through any app available on the internet that will help you find the right number of calories to consume according to your current weight

· Increase intake of foods that are rich in fibre but lower in calories

· Prevent overeating through sneaky strategies such as filling up your stomach with low-calorie food first or brushing your teeth when cravings hit hard as it will dampen your desire to eat instantly.

Other ways to start reversing type 2 diabetes today

Some of the other ways to help you manage your blood sugar levels efficiently are:

1. Giving intermittent fasting a try:

Intermittent fasting involves partially or entirely restricting yourself from eating for a set amount of time. It has been scientifically proven that intermittent fasting can help improve insulin sensitivity.

Intermittent fasting is undoubtedly the best way to reduce your blood sugar levels. However, you must consult your doctor first, as for some people, it can increase the risk of hypoglycemia, which means lowering blood sugar levels than a normal range.

2. Trying yoga regularly:

The majority of people may know how mental stress can lead to a rise in blood sugar levels. Diabetic people often struggle with the management of their stress levels. Overthinking about the disease and severe health complications linked to it can significantly increase stress, which makes stabilizing their sugar levels quite difficult.

Yoga has become the most popular and effective way to manage your stress levels. Many people with diabetes who have successfully reversed this condition have tried yoga to manage their stress levels. According to them, it is undoubtedly the best stress-reliever out there.

Besides stress management, yoga postures also help rejuvenate pancreatic cells to increase the production of insulin-producing cells. It is a natural and effective way to increase the production of insulin in your body.

If you have diabetes and are stressed too, start taking yoga classes as managing your stress levels will also improve your blood sugar levels. Simple lifestyle changes such as taking yoga classes regularly can help you reverse type 2 diabetes.

How do you know if you have reversed type 2 diabetes

Reversing type 2 diabetes is a term that refers to long-term improvement in insulin sensitivity. People who have successfully managed to reverse this condition by eating a diabetes-friendly diet, losing all those extra pounds, or following a regular workout plan are now living their lives peacefully.

However, the question that might come to your mind is, "how do you know if you have reversed type 2 diabetes"? People who are no longer dependent on medicines to stabilize their blood sugar levels have probably reversed their type 2 diabetes.

Another way to know this is to get yourself tested. If you are able to get your HbA1c below 6% without taking any medication, then it means you have reversed type 2 diabetes successfully. HbA1c is a measure of how well-controlled your blood sugar levels have been for almost three months. Usually, a blood sample is required for it.


Diabetes is undoubtedly a disease that can keep you stressed throughout your life. The fact that it has no permanent cure can make people with diabetes lose their hopes of living a healthy life with their loved ones. However, with proper self-management and guidance, people with diabetes can also live long, healthy and peaceful lives. You may need to control it for a lifetime which will require your attention, time, willpower, and more importantly, good choices, but in the end, always remember, it is your life that is at stake. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is never hard if it is your life that is in danger. Once diabetes has severely damaged all organs of your body, then it will be too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle. After diagnosed with diabetes, you need to take quick action to reverse this condition as soon as possible. Eating a diabetes-friendly diet and following a workout plan consistently can help you reverse type 2 diabetes and undo the effect that it has caused on your body. In the end, living a diabetes-free life is always worth the effort.