Can i reverse prediabetes with diet and excercise

Can you reverse Type 2 diabetes with diet and exercise?

Reversing type 2 diabetes requires simple changes in your diet and daily routine to manage the disease. The main goal is to lower your sugar intake and increase insulin production in your body.

It does not only requires you to limit your intake of soft drinks, chocolate bars, or cookies as they can increase your sugar levels instantly. Reversing your type 2 diabetes can only be possible if you take a healthy and balanced diet regularly. Refined and starchy foods such as white bread, pasta, potatoes, the rice should be avoided altogether.

Going vegan has also become an effective way to stabilize your blood sugar levels. According to many reports, people following vegan diets have a high chance of reversing type 2 diabetes and reducing their medication compared to those following conventional diet.

Other than a healthy diet, another way to reverse Type 2 diabetes in a short period is being more physically active throughout your day. It is evident from many reports that diabetes usually targets people who are overweight, obese, or not physically inactive for an extended period.

Reversing type 2 diabetes can only be possible if you include any physical activity in your daily routine. Exercising 30 minutes for five days consistently will be quite enough to keep your blood sugar levels in control.

Can you reverse Type 2 diabetes by losing weight?

Yes weight lose can help but this product would save you the stress


It is not always the case that obese or overweight people are only diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can also target people that are slim and smart. However, obese and overweight people are at higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes than normal people as insulin resistance and obesity are always linked together.

Losing excess weight can be quite an excellent way to reverse type 2 diabetes as then you will be able to decrease the insulin resistance in your body to a great extent. The more you lose weight, the more close you become to reverse type 2 diabetes successfully.

However, losing weight when you have diabetes becomes even more difficult than usual. Extreme exercise plans and drastic diets are not sustainable as you get tired of it in few days, and your chances of getting off track become pretty high.

The right way is to incorporate a healthy diet and consistent workout plan into your overall diabetes management plan. Some of the tips to get you started on the path of losing weight successfully are:

· Set small and realistic goals for yourself as it will help you stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey

· Choose a workout plan for yourself that you are most likely to enjoy

· Eat your meals in small portions

· Keep track of your calories through any app available on the internet that will help you find the right number of calories to consume according to your current weight

· Increase intake of foods that are rich in fibre but lower in calories

· Prevent overeating through sneaky strategies such as filling up your stomach with low-calorie food first or brushing your teeth when cravings hit hard as it will dampen your desire to eat instantly.

Other ways to start reversing type 2 diabetes today

Some of the other ways to help you manage your blood sugar levels efficiently are:

1. Giving intermittent fasting a try:

Intermittent fasting involves partially or entirely restricting yourself from eating for a set amount of time. It has been scientifically proven that intermittent fasting can help improve insulin sensitivity.

Intermittent fasting is undoubtedly the best way to reduce your blood sugar levels. However, you must consult your doctor first, as for some people, it can increase the risk of hypoglycemia, which means lowering blood sugar levels than a normal range.

2. Trying yoga regularly:

The majority of people may know how mental stress can lead to a rise in blood sugar levels. Diabetic people often struggle with the management of their stress levels. Overthinking about the disease and severe health complications linked to it can significantly increase stress, which makes stabilizing their sugar levels quite difficult.

Yoga has become the most popular and effective way to manage your stress levels. Many people with diabetes who have successfully reversed this condition have tried yoga to manage their stress levels. According to them, it is undoubtedly the best stress-reliever out there.

Besides stress management, yoga postures also help rejuvenate pancreatic cells to increase the production of insulin-producing cells. It is a natural and effective way to increase the production of insulin in your body.

If you have diabetes and are stressed too, start taking yoga classes as managing your stress levels will also improve your blood sugar levels. Simple lifestyle changes such as taking yoga classes regularly can help you reverse type 2 diabetes.

How do you know if you have reversed type 2 diabetes

Reversing type 2 diabetes is a term that refers to long-term improvement in insulin sensitivity. People who have successfully managed to reverse this condition by eating a diabetes-friendly diet, losing all those extra pounds, or following a regular workout plan are now living their lives peacefully.

However, the question that might come to your mind is, "how do you know if you have reversed type 2 diabetes"? People who are no longer dependent on medicines to stabilize their blood sugar levels have probably reversed their type 2 diabetes.

Another way to know this is to get yourself tested. If you are able to get your HbA1c below 6% without taking any medication, then it means you have reversed type 2 diabetes successfully. HbA1c is a measure of how well-controlled your blood sugar levels have been for almost three months. Usually, a blood sample is required for it.


Diabetes is undoubtedly a disease that can keep you stressed throughout your life. The fact that it has no permanent cure can make people with diabetes lose their hopes of living a healthy life with their loved ones. However, with proper self-management and guidance, people with diabetes can also live long, healthy and peaceful lives. You may need to control it for a lifetime which will require your attention, time, willpower, and more importantly, good choices, but in the end, always remember, it is your life that is at stake. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is never hard if it is your life that is in danger. Once diabetes has severely damaged all organs of your body, then it will be too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle. After diagnosed with diabetes, you need to take quick action to reverse this condition as soon as possible. Eating a diabetes-friendly diet and following a workout plan consistently can help you reverse type 2 diabetes and undo the effect that it has caused on your body. In the end, living a diabetes-free life is always worth the effort.