Day Trip from Dubai to Al Ain

Day Trip from Dubai to Al Ain

Also in the Abu Dhabi Emirate yet this time you will drive south from Dubai and profound into the desert to locate the lavish desert garden town of Al Ain that sits on the UAE outskirt with Oman.

This is the first home of the Al Nahyan family, the leaders of the nation so as you can envision the town has a ton of recorded roots. Worth visiting in Al Ain is the Al Ain National Museum and the Al Ain Palace Museum (the previous illustrious residence). Both will give you a decent knowledge into the nation’s past and Bedouin culture and convention.

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The Al Ain Oasis, a UNESCO site, can be an appreciated retreat from the warmth. Also, if time will permit, the Al Ain Zoo is a standout amongst the best of the locale showing numerous local species and highlighting an African safari trail.

To complete off your Al Ain excursion, head to the peak of Jebel Hafeet. From here you will see wide crossing perspectives over to Oman. You can even remain here medium-term in the Mercure inn that unstably hangs off the precipice tops! At the foot of the mountain, don't miss Green Mubazzarah, a desert garden with a characteristic spring – the water said to have mending powers (however when you perceive what number of others have their feet in it, you may not be so quick to contact it!!).

The voyage both ways is about 1.5 hours plus or minus traffic yet include 40 minutes for the precarious drive up the mountain on this day trip from Dubai.

On the off chance that you've just had a decent check out the brilliant lights of Dubai, visited the shoreline, gone up the world's tallest pinnacle, seen the Malls, walked the old Quarter and taken a dhow – is there more to find in Dubai and the UAE? Totally! Peruse on for some phenomenal day trips from Dubai to become more acquainted with the UAE much more! It's a great opportunity to get yourself straightened out a vehicle, locate a solid driver, or book yourself on some Dubai day visits and get yourself on one of these astonishing day excursions to get familiar with the nations antiquated past and shimmery future as a culture capital.