Car accidents in Dubai

Car accidents in Dubai

On everyday schedule, very nearly 15 to 20 mishaps occur in the territory of UAE in light of the quickest driving thought there. Life resembles a race there in the event that somebody stop by, at that point he/she will get behind in this race. Impacts are standard issues there so what to do in this circumstance on the off chance that it transpires particularly it isn't your own vehicle you lease a vehicle in Dubai. All things considered, you need the accompanying focuses to contemplate in your memory chip.

Police Analysis Reports

On the off chance that you are driving a hired car, it must be with an insurance sum incorporation (which are of various kinds). Generally, all Rent Car in the UAE add the cost of a CDW (impact harm waiver) detail insurance charges. This protects the driver against the damages of the vehicle in a setback, if, there isn't your blame they remember to get a green or white sneak by the police.

• Keynotes to know previously

Totally on the condition and examination by the police, you will be given a report. On the off chance that, you are found liable of the explanation behind the disaster done, you will be issued a pink (or red) slip. If not, you will be given a green casing, which infers you are not to be blamed. In a specific condition, anyway every so often, a white casing is issued, which suggests neither of the included drivers is responsible.

Regardless of whether green, white, or pink, the structures would be in Arabic. On the off chance that you don't have the foggiest thought regarding this tongue, you may ask the officer yet don't fight at the outcome. The police in the UAE is severe so best to keep away from any further burden.

Note, you will even no compelling reason to get a police report that the Car Lease Dubai association needs to submit for assurance claims.

Would it be prudent for you to look for shelter in getting away yourself?

Never. You should, in no way, shape or form, attempt to race to escape from the deformed scene. A fine of AED 500 and 6 dark focuses furthermore on your driving permit might be included along with car held for 7 days by police, in the event that that you attempt to find a getting away. Or on the other hand if another driver is attempting to get away, note down the vehicle plate number and report it to the police.

Let know the Car Rental Company

Let advice the Car Rental in Dubai Directors you are dealing as for the mishap, damage to the vehicle and police report you have gotten. The vehicle rental organization will send you another vehicle and reveal to you on the off chance that you are to pay any charges.


Henceforth, these are the worries in regards to the crash of vehicles that you have to get these thumb governs on the most proficient method to keep yourself at the protected side in your psyche before seating on the guiding seat for driving. Drive Safe!