Next best actions get calculated through business rules and engagement policies like eligibility, applicability, and suitability. AI weighs these policies against all available actions that a brand has populated into their conversation library and chooses the right action to deliver to a customer or prospect in the correct channel, at the optimal moment.

If you need to see the action log in Glide, then Glide Big Tables (coming soon) will be your best friend. If not, then as suggested above, an automation to some other database is probably the most straightforward solution

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Quite the noob here in the world of 3D printing. Received my X1-Carbon Combo last Saturday (March 11) and have printed out about a dozen items so far. My main purpose for the printer is as a hobbyist focusing on printing action figures/statues of characters like Lara Croft, Aloy, Resident Evil, Fallout, and probably a bunch of other characters from 4 inches tall and up.

But I am sure other brand and non water solutable will work as well. Since the stuff is expensive, only use it for the interface layers, not the entire support structure and it will last a long time then.

@swateinheit Do you think there would be any improvement in making the layer height 1.0 or even 0.8? Bear in mind, I intend on priming and painting the action figures, so I was wondering if any noticeable improvement in a smaller layer height would even be seen after that.

Thanks for the quick reply. I downloaded SoftFever a few days ago and have played around with a few of their additional settings. I plan on going thorugh the Calibration Tutorial this weekend and give that a try.

I was actually playing around with Variable Layer Height this morning and was wondering if I just lower the height for the head and hands areas, and leave the rest at .12, that would be more than sufficient to give me the resolution I am looking for. The face, hair and hands always seem to be the most challenging.

You can get away with a 0.4 nozzle, and with a lack of 0.6 nozzle available here for a while I did go with a 0.4 nozzle for various carbon fiber, neon and glow in the dark filaments. I was lucky and got not a single clogging while chewing through a few kg of filament, but it certainly its not guaranteed to work.

But its good enough for testing a few prints if you have to wait for a bigger nozzle. And if you are more lucky then me, you can also learn how to clean a clogged nozzle and how to disassemble the extruder

The Next-Best-Action (aws-next-best-action) recipe generates real-time recommendations for the next best actions for your users. The next best action for a user is the action that they will most likely take. For example, enrolling in your loyalty program, downloading your app, or applying for a credit card.

With Next-Best-Action, you can provide personalized action recommendations for your users as they use your application. Suggesting the right action for a user can result in more users taking your actions. Depending on the actions you want to recommend, you can increase customer loyalty, generate more revenue, and improve the user experience of your application. For a use case example that describes how personalized action recommendations can benefit an ecommerce application, see Use case example.

Amazon Personalize predicts the next best action from the actions you import into your Actions dataset. It identifies the actions that a user will most likely take based on their interactions with actions and items. If your action data includes the value of the action, Amazon Personalize accounts for the action's value. If a user is equally likely to take two different actions, Amazon Personalize ranks the action with the greater value higher.

When you get real-time action recommendations for a user, Amazon Personalize returns a list of actions that the user will most likely take within a configurable period of time (the action optimization period). For example, the actions they will most likely take in the next 14 days. The list is sorted in descending order by propensity score. This score represents the likelihood that the user will take the action.

Until you import action interaction data, Amazon Personalize recommends actions in your without personalization, and propensity scores are 0.0. An action will have a score after the action has the following:

When you create a solution with the Next-Best-Action recipe, you can configure the window of time Amazon Personalize uses when predicting actions by using the action optimization period featurization hyperparameter. For more information, see Properties and hyperparameters.

Suggesting the right action for a user can result in more users taking your actions. Depending on the actions you want to recommend, you can potentially increase customer loyalty, generate more revenue, and improve the user experience of your application.

You might have a user who frequently shops at your site and has repeatedly taken the Jewelry and Beauty and grooming purchase actions. For this user, Amazon Personalize action recommendations and their scores might include the following:

With these action recommendations, you know to prompt the user to enroll in your loyalty program. This action has the highest propensity score and it is the action the user will most likely take. This is because the user frequently shops at your store and is likely to engage with the benefits from your loyalty program.

Real-time personalization: Amazon Personalize uses real-time personalization to update and adapt action recommendations according to a user's evolving interest. For more information, see Real-time personalization.

Automatic updates: With automatic updates, Amazon Personalize automatically updates the latest model (solution version) every two hours to include new actions in recommendations through exploration. For more information, see Automatic updates.

In your actions data, you can provide an EXPIRATION_TIMESTAMP for each action. If an action has expired, Amazon Personalize won't include it in recommendations. You can also provide a REPEAT_FREQUENCY for each action. This indicates how long Amazon Personalize should wait before recommending an action again after a user interacts with it. For information about the data an Actions dataset can store, see Actions dataset.

Item interactions: Your Item interactions dataset must have at minimum 1000 item interactions. Amazon Personalize uses item interactions to understand your users' current state and their interests. For information about the item interactions data, see Item interactions dataset.

Action interactions dataset: An action interaction is an interaction involving a user and an action in your Actions dataset. You can import Taken, Not taken, and Viewed action interactions. Although this data is optional, we recommend that you import action interaction data for quality recommendations. If you don't have action interaction data, you can create an empty Action interactions dataset and record your customers' interactions with actions by using the PutActionInteractions API operation.

For information about the action interactions data you can import, see Action interactions dataset. For information about recording action interaction events, see Recording action interaction events.

Users: Amazon Personalize uses any data in your Users dataset to better understand your users and their interests. You can also use data in a Users dataset to filter action recommendations. For information about the user data you can import, see Users dataset.

Items: Amazon Personalize uses any data in your Items dataset along with your Item interactions dataset to identify connections and patterns in their behavior. This helps Amazon Personalize understand your users and their interests. For information about the item data you can import, see Items dataset.

The following table describes the featurization hyperparameters for the aws-next-best-action recipe. A hyperparameter is an algorithm parameter that you can adjust to improve model performance. Featurization hyperparameters control how to filter the data to use in training.

Misc: GoPro used to be king in some of this stuff, but has since backtracked on the GoPro Hero5 series. For example, you can no longer configure the camera/WiFi names on the GoPro Hero5 series, but you can certainly do so on the Garmin units. This is handy if you have multiple cameras, to keep track of which ones are which. Further, Garmin allows the ability to copy your entire settings configuration and then transfer it between cameras instantly. Again, great for multiple camera users to match everything across multiple devices.

Have you tried finding a gimbal arm (or even non gimbal) handle that you can hold in the watch-wearing hand while keeping the watch in frame? I think the problem is mostly from the difference in motion between your two hands. If it were attached to the same hand/arm, it would be much better.

There are also some arm straps (gopro brand: link to generic brand: link to that might work. Not sure if those are available in France, but in looking on the french amazon page I also found this glove thing that might work: link to

You are right.

For some people a feature like 4k60p is much more important than a smartphone toy editor with instant social sharing.

Yes, those people may be 1% or even .1%. But you should not dismis a peroduct just because it is more interesting for enthusiasts than for average Joe.

See my comment about this problem above! You need Garmin VIRB30. It has manual on/off switch, so you are always sure, that camera is recording or not recording.

Using mobile phone for checking if camera is recording, is not possible for me, when ir ride my motocross bike ;) 152ee80cbc

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