
How to choose a financial planner

You need a reliable personal financial planner, an expert who can assist you with matters related to budgeting, investments, estate, insurance and other related factors.

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There are plenty of financial planners out there who will provide solid advice, but most of the time they will only try to sell you different types of financial products. Avoid people like this by knowing how to choose a financial planner. Here are a few tips.

* Set Your Goals - Before you start looking for a planner, be clear about your goals and life goals. Do you hope to fund a career change? Saving for a comfortable pension, a home or the college education of your children? Knowing what specific financial aspects or questions to focus on can help narrow down your planner choices.

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* Recommendations - Ask your trusted fellow business people, friends and colleagues for references and recommendations. Those who have been in the business for a long time can give you different names.

* Interviewing - Don't settle for the first planner you find. Instead, inform and interview three potential planners. Make sure the planner takes into account and fully understands the debt side of your equation.

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* Financial Company - Decide if you just need a local office or a national financial firm with full service. National firms typically have large investment analysts and researchers who generate their own opinion. The more services they provide, the higher the overhead covered and the higher the compensation for the customers.

* References - The financial planner's references say a lot about his or her efficiency. Certified have certainly passed exams covering a variety of financial topics. There are also others with designations in different areas such as insurance and investment. To verify that a particular financial planner is trustworthy and trustworthy, contact American Financial Planners for a list of the various credentials of the planners and the organizations that provided them.

* Planner Cost - Compensation for the planner is always an important factor. Keep in mind how you have to pay. Some individuals charge a flat fee for a financial plan, while others only sell products on a commission basis. If his or her fee is a bit too high, see if you can negotiate properly.

* Philosophy of the planner - Focus on the philosophy of the planner. Some are very aggressive when it comes to investing, while others are very conservative. Since it's your money, the planner needs to be solid enough to create a plan that comfortably fits you and your needs.

* References - A good financial planner is always ready to prove that he or she is efficient and reliable. Ask for references from other clients, especially those who have the same financial needs as you. If the planner makes excuses and talks about "confidentiality", find someone else who is willing.

* Communication - Discuss how you will maintain contact with your planner. Will he or she provide phone calls, faxes, or email updates? Are things summarized in quarterly reports? In the event of a financial downturn, will the planner provide reassurance and feedback or should you take the first step?

A few more tips

* Some planners are part of a larger company. For aspects such as insurance and taxes, ask if there are any instances where you need to be transferred to another planner. There are some people who prefer to have just one planner to handle all their financial affairs.

* Ask if there are costs for telephone questions and consultations.

* Opt for a fee-based planner as it is more objective. Planners who are paid on a commission will try to persuade you to invest in products that will pay them compensation, and will not put your interests first.

Getting into a financial mess is one of the most dangerous problems you can face in life. After all, no one wants to risk their hard-earned money. Choose a good financial planner with the above tips in mind. You can rest assured that your finances are always in good hands.