Student Resources

On the hunt for a great book or need to find something you are researching? Try these online libraries. If you need any help accessing these or need a login, please reach out or drop by the library and see us.

Logo for the Cherokee County Public Library

Our local library, to search the online catalog.

Tumble Book Library logo

Online collection of books that include audio books, puzzles, games, and animated talking picture books. You will need a log into access.

Big Universe logo with two planets for the letter I in the words.

Another great online collection of books, with about any topic you could think of to read about. You will need a log in to access.

Letter, IXL- For IXL Logo

Learning so me new things in class and want to practice? IXL is the perfect tool for practices and you get your results back as soon as it is completed. You will use the same log in that you use in your classroom for this site.

Discus is a virtual library that has tons of resources and information that can all be accessed online.

Need help citing sources? Watch these short videos, that will help you understand what is needed.

The letter P in black and gold for Purdue University

Purdue Online writing lab is a great resource for helping you to cite all different types of books, media, and webpages. This is a great tool for you to use throughout your school career.