run this command in your Visual Studio Code terminal flutter emulators then see the result if you have installed any emulator it will show you. Then to run one of them, use flutter emulators --launch your_emulator_id in my case flutter emulators --launch Nexus 6 API 28

I am trying to learn Flutter to make a basic app but I have run into a problem. I do not have a mac book so as I was following the YouTube video I realized it was not going to be as simple as plugging in the iOS device. So I have downloaded the Android emulator and the flutter demo work perfectly fine, when launching and running from VS Code.

Download Android Emulator For Flutter In Vscode

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You can (now?) delete the emulator using the avdmanager provided in the android SDK command-line tools. It requires the name of the emulator to delete (usually flutter_emulator, flutter_emulator_2, etc. if you don't specify a name on creation). You can check the id by executing flutter emulator. Then use the command below to delete the emulator you no longer need.

I have a pc that does not have many resources, just 2GB RAM, the performance is not very good, on this pc I have installed ubuntu 18.04 and I trying configure a basic flutter environment to develop android apps with with more lightweight IDE like Sublime Text3, becouse AndroidStudio or VSCode consume a lot of ram memory.

Recently Formatted My Laptop , Previously the Android Emulator Was Working Great in My VS-Code. Now after fresh install of my VS Code, I installed the flutter and dart plugin . And created a sample flutter project to text my Android Emulator . To run the emulator I used the flutter run command but it showed only chrome and explorer . So I installed the Android iOS Plugin available in the VS Code. But When I Run The Emulator I am getting errors And The Emulator is not starting .But The emulator works great in Android Studio . I am attaching the photo of the error which I see in The VS-Code popup. I also added the Android SDK to my environment variables. Please have a look to the vs code errors and the environment Variables. I am really frustrated now. Wasted my 2 hrs but no solution.

I want to run my flutter program on an emulator from VS Code. The idea is that when I run a debug session in VS Code, the app should appear on the emulator. I have the emulator open and connected to VS Code, however, when I try to debug I get an error that says "Error: Error when reading 'bin/main.dart': The system cannot find the path specified.".

Since you have AVD installed you could try running from the command flutter devices to get the list of emulators and their id.then run (assuming emulator-5554 is you emulator id) flutter run -v -d emulator-5554

Restarting the pc is not necessary i just did it as a follow-up,although make sure your android studio is updated because in my case AS was not updated so i think my emulator was not working and VS Code was throwing errors .

Now when you choose this emulator in VS Code it will use the emulator command from the Android SDK rather than the flutter emulator command it usually uses, and it launches and connects successfully as expected.

For some, it might be problem of the emulator and Android API itself.A duplication of the problem mention in Can launch, but not connect, to emulator in VS Code and Android Studio using flutter.I sort it using a API 29 instead of 30. Since API 30 (in Pixel 4) skipped the allow debug mode.Hope it helps for some of you.

I faced the same issue and solved it running flutter doctor from the terminal, in VS Code. In my case, I had the android sdk located in a custom location (D drive), the reason why it wasn't found automatically. The "doctor" told me to run flutter config --android-sdk . Running it and restarting the IDE made the trick. Hopefully this helps someone facing the same problem.

The device does not have permissions. Run flutter doctor and flutter devices, if no devices appear to be connected (in this case, emulated) you need to kill the adb-server, open the emulator and then start the adb-server.

I am currently trying to run a flutter application in visual studio.

I have successfully installed android studio with some system images.

the virtual machines are successfully created in android studio.

But unfortunately those devices couldn't be detected in visual studio

And when i tried to create a new emulator in visual studio it gives this message.

I just want to ask, im running flutter with vs code and android emulator using my Acer Aspire 3 (Ryzen 5 2500u and 8gb ram 6.9gb usable).When i run the emulator suddenly my laptop was slow and when i check task manager my ram usage is reaching 98-99% due these Open JDK, vscode, emulator, dart, etc. Is it normal? I saw the requirement on flutter website and i think my spec its not problem. Any one know how to fix this issue?Sorry for my bad English Thanks in advance.

The problem was the following:

NixOS does not install the android SDK in the default location (~/android/whatever), but instead in the nix store, as everything. Because of this, vscode/codium (and the flutter/dart extension therein) is only able to find it if we explicitly tell it using the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable.

Flutter is a cross-platform mobile framework i.e it support for both Android and iOS, developing flutter is so fascinating that you get to write once and run on both platform. in this post I will be showing how to run more than one emulator concurrently using Visual studio code, by default you can only run a single emulator at a time on a project. Thanks to super-fast hot reload and restart feature of flutter which makes development experience faster and better. But it would have been better if you can be testing/debugging your application as you are developing on both platforms devices without you have to wait for one device.

An emulator is a virtual machine designed to run applications or programs derived from the host system. The use of an Android emulator, which simulates an Android device, allows you to run and test Android applications on your host system without a physical Android device being present. If you are not already familiar with the android studio, running your flutter applications on an emulator can be challenging. To run your Flutter app on an Android emulator, follow the instructions in this article. There are only three easy steps required to run your flutter application on an android emulator:

With Visual Studio, you can easily test and debug your .NET MAUI app for Android in emulators for situations where an Android device isn't available. However, if hardware acceleration isn't available or enabled, the emulator will run very slowly. You can significantly improve the performance of the emulator by enabling hardware acceleration and by using virtual device images that are appropriate for your processor architecture. For more information, see Configure hardware acceleration for the Android Emulator on

Type the number of the platform you want to run. Each time you invoke flutter run, Flutter will present you with these choices. If your development system has no emulator running or connected test device, Flutter should choose to open Chrome. ff782bc1db

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