Solidarity and fairness in times of crisis (co-authors Alexander W. Cappelen, Ranveig Falch and Erik Ø. Sørensen),  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 186, Pages 1-11, June 2021. 

manifest - we TEST THE WORLD

Professor Ernst Fehr and Gerhard Fehr, together with several other supporters, have launched an independent, global signature platform advocating the future expansion of test capacity for the coronavirus. Fantastic initiative, click on the link below to sign the petition.


The pandemic can cause irreparable financial damage- the financial consequences of the pandemic affect individuals very differently. Class differences increase, young people get a tough start in the labor market, many lose their life's work. I fear that the damage is irreparable and I think we should increase the compensation for those who are hardest hit.

Podcast (In Norwegian) "Rett På" February 29, 2021- 

Press Coverage

Norske økonomer støtter tøffe koronatiltak, uenige om hvordan regningen skal betales (Norwegian economists support tough corona measures, disagree how the bill should be paid), E24, 25. mai 2020. 

What do you owe your neighbor? The pandemic might change your answer (co-authors Alexander W. Cappelen, Ranveig Falch, Erik O. Sorensen and Gus Wezerek), New York Times, April 16, 2020. 

Alvor for fellesskapets beste, Finansavisen, 2. april 2020.

Alle økonomiske tap etter koronatiltak bør dekkes av staten (All economic losses after corona should be covered by the state),, 28. mars 2020. 

Solidaritet og forutsigbarhet må til i krisetider (Solidarity and predictability are needed in times of crisis), Dagens Næringsliv, 17. mars 2020. 

Corona Crisis - What do Economists in norway think?

Survey of economists with the aim of providing a descriptive picture of how much in agreement or disagreement economists are on key issues, and open for further discussion around measures and economists' societal responsibility. 

The presentation is available here (in Norwegian):

Data can be downloaded here: Survey_FAIR_Covid-19