

Check a list of my publications at the INSPIRE Database or the Astrophysics Data System (ADS). Sometimes the system would not recognize my name (I have two lastnames), so please also check this ADS too.

- Part II: Realistic samples on the light cone [Article] [arXiv]  
(B. Hadzhiyska, S. Ferraro, B. Ried Guachalla and E. Schaan), 2023.

- Bounds on galaxy stochasticity from halo occupation distribution modeling [Article] [arXiv]
(Dylan Britt, Daniel Gruen, Oliver Friedrich, Sihan Yuan and B. Ried Guachalla), 2024.

I am part of the following collaborations:

Note on google scholar: Google scholar does not correctly link my citations due to name mismatched, please check the ADS for a better citation count.