
¿Un futuro sin estrellas? Proyecto INNA, una amenaza al cielo chileno - Radio Biobio

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, also known as DESI, is challenging our knowledge of the Universe’s expansion. Come to read more about it!

La energía oscura y la posibilidad de que los chilenos resolvamos sus misterios - Radio Biobio

Junto a Enrique Paillas Villavicencio

Observatorios de Chile serán los mayores laboratorios de Física de Partículas - El Mostrador

Junto a Francisca Chabour Barra y Enrique Paillas Villavicencio

I went to Chicago to see my friend Elisa, who was visiting UChicago for a conference. We had an amazing time, come to see our pictures! 

Come and see my cat <3.

Come and see my first post about my new website, were I list some of the websites I feel inspired and want to do similar posts/tutorials/presentations!