Agency & Community Organizations

Logo for Abilities in Motion

755 Hiesters Lane

Reading, PA 19605

PH: 610-376-0010   

TTY: 610-288-2301

Toll Free: 1-888-376-0120   

FAX: 610-376-0021 

Abilities in Motion

A Pennsylvania Fiscal/Employer Agent for the Options Program and Agency With Choice. AIM offers employer- and payroll-related services to consumers who hire their own attendants and support professionals. 

Logo for The ARC of Pennsylvania

The Arc Alliance

3075 Ridge Pike

Eagleville, PA 19403


The ARC of Pennsylvania

Advocacy and support for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, supporting full inclusion and participation in the community.

Logo for Community Skills Program

Central Bucks County, Dublin, PA

Lancaster County,  Lancaster, PA

Upper Bucks County, Quakertown, PA

​Call Us: 215-538-3488

Community Skills Program 

Advocacy and support services designed to assist individuals with traumatic brain injuries to make the transition from hospital-based programs to community living. 

Logo for the Learning Disabilities Association of Pennsylvania

Voicemail: (412) 212-7087


Learning Disabilities Association of PA 

 LDA of PA is dedicated to making sure every resident of Pennsylvania with learning disabilities has access to all of the most up-to-date resources and services available in order to help them succeed in all facets of life. 


Logo for the PA Department of Labor and industry

OVR Reading Office:

3602 Kutztown Road, Suite 200

Reading, PA 19605

610-621-5800 Voice 

800-442-0949* Voice

484-334-4494 Video Phone

The Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

OVR provides vocational rehabilitation services to help persons with disabilities prepare for, obtain, or maintain employment. OVR provides services to eligible individuals with disabilities, both directly and through a network of approved vendors. Services are provided on an individualized basis. 

Logo for the PEAL Center

If you leave a voicemail, please include the county in which you live.

The PEAL Center (Philadelphia)
520 N. Christopher Columbus Blvd. Suite 602
Philadelphia, PA 19123


866-950-1040 Toll-Free
412-281-4409 TTY
412-281-4408 Fax

Parent Education & Advocacy Leadership (PEAL) Center 

PEAL works with families, youth and young adults with disabilities and special health care needs to help them understand their rights and advocate for themselves. Through our unwavering commitment to inclusion and our guiding values, we empower families and individuals to be included in their home schools and access high quality, coordinated physical and behavioral health care. PEAL’s services are provided at no charge to families as they are funded by private donations and federal, state, and private grants.

The PEAL Center is an organization of parents/family members of children with disabilities and special health care needs and persons with disabilities who educate and guide:

Families of children and youth, ages birth to 26, who have disabilities and/or special health care needs

Professionals and others who work with children and youth who have disabilities and/or special health care needs

Youth and young adults up to age 26 who have disabilities and/or special health care needs

Logo for Service Access Management

Berks County




Service Access & Management

Logo for Threshold Rehabilitation Services

1000 Lancaster Avenue

Reading, PA 19607


Threshold / Bperks Personnel Network

Working to support individuals with disabilities by integration into their community through vocational rehabilitation, employment, and residential services 

Logo for Easter Seals of Eastern Pennsylvania

90 George St

Reading, PA 19605

Phone: (610)775-1431

Easterseals Eastern Pennsylvania 

creates life-changing solutions for individuals with disabilities and their families in their community by increasing independence, maximizing opportunities, minimizing barriers and enhancing quality of life. 


This is not a complete list of all resources available in our community.  We have chosen the most comprehensive resources in an attempt to guide the community into the most useful direction.

If you find any broken links, please let us know!!