Berks County Transition Coordinating Council Logo

              Service ~ Collaboration ~ Commitment  ~  Achievement

A combination of the PA HELIX, Autism , and Secondary Transition Conferences coming in July 2025!

Our Mission

To plan and facilitate the successful movement of students with disabilities from school programs to adult life.  

Our Goal

For each student with a disability to achieve his/her maximum potential for inclusion in all aspects of adult life.

We depend on the generosity of our community to help support our events and opportunities for transition aged youth across the county! 

Donation Button

BCTCC is a voluntary partnership that has impacted the lives of Berks County youth since 1994. The organization has no paid staff or building. 

The Berks County Community Foundation (BCCF) 

administers and audits our finances.

Donations to the work of BCTCC are tax deductible - through BCCF (a 501 c3)"

Thank You!

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