Math 54 - Linear algebra and differential equations (Spring 2016)

In Spring 2016 I am a GSI for Math 54 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations taught by Prof. Vivek Shende. My sections are 11:00-12:00 MWF (Evans 736; 307DIS) and 13:00-14:00 MWF (Wheeler 110; 314DIS). My office hours are 3-4 on Mondays, 1-2 on Thursdays, and 12-1 on Fridays in Evans 842. I can also be reached at my departmental email. My notes for each class and any additional exercises, content or ramblings will be posted here eventually. I am always open to suggestions for class coverage.


  • Midterm 1 office hours: 11:30-1:30 (Evans 736) and 3-4 (Evans 842) on Monday (2/12). Note that Evans is card-access only on Monday so see Piazza for details on how to access the department.
  • Midterm 2 office hours: 3-4 M (Evans 842), 3:30-5 Tu (Evans 842), 3-5 W (Evans 732).
  • There will be no quiz on the Friday (3/18) after midterm 2. The homework set on 3/14 is due on the Monday after spring break.
  • I will be away from April 8th-15th (Friday to Friday) but classes (including quizzes) will run as usual. There will be no class-specific office hours during this time but you should feel encouraged to go to those of other GSIs.


Sample quizzes: I'll try to post these early in the week prior to the quiz.

Quizzes: Quizzes cover content up to the previous Tuesday lecture, with emphasis on the most recent material therein.
