Math 54 - Linear algebra and differential equations (Fall 2015)

In Fall 2015 I am a GSI for Math 54 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations taught by Prof. David Nadler. My sections are 8:00-9:00 MWF (Evans 087 MWF; 102DIS) and 15:00-16:00 MWF (Evans 740 MF and Evans 736 W; 115DIS). My office hours will be 9:00-10:00 on Mondays and 13:30-15:00 on Fridays in Evans 842. I can also be reached at my departmental email. My notes for each class and any additional exercises, content or ramblings will be posted here eventually. I am always open to suggestions for class coverage.

The general strategy will be to survey results or techniques covered in the lectures on Mondays, interactively review homework on Wednesdays (note that, since only one question per homework is marked, the best way to get feedback is by querying in these sections), and then sit and review quizzes on Friday.

I will be in Dwinelle 0187 from 2-4 MWF during dead week to present a brief review of some topics from the latter part of the course and then respond to questions, problems, and discussion. Feel free to come along.

Section notes:


