Math 113 - Abstract Algebra (Spring 2020)

Welcome to Math 113!

In this course we'll be getting acquainted with the essential objects of abstract algebra - groups, rings, fields, algebras, and modules - and some of the fundamental results describing their structure and interactions with each other. Most content- or grading-related information for the class will be posted on bCourses and this page contains additional, mostly practical information about the class.

Along with the other section of 113 overseen by Prof. Harrison, this class has a Slack workspace to continue discussion outside of the classroom. Myself and the other instructors for the course will not reply to a personal message regarding mathematical content, since everyone should be able to benefit from responses to questions. Students are highly encouraged to contribute and attempt to solve problems prior to instructor intervention.

If you have any non-mathematical questions about the course, you can reach me via Slack or at my departmental email listed below. I always welcome feedback or suggestions regarding my teaching!


  • First class on 1/21
  • Lectures will be by Zoom from 3/10-3/29


  • Lecture 11-12:30 Tuesday/Thursday (Evans 740)
  • Office hours 3-4 Monday + 1-2:30 Thursday (Evans 762)
  • Course lunch 12:30-1 Thursday (Evans 762)

Every Thursday between class and office hours I will hold a 30 minute lunch space where you can bring lunch and relax before office hours. This space is intended to foster community and allow for some extra informal discussion time.


  • Exercises will be assigned on Thursdays, due the following Tuesday at the start of class

Extra notes

  • Chapter on group theory and ring theory


  • Midterm review session (video)


  • Course instructor: Ben Wormleighton (b dot lastname at berkeley dot edu)
  • Course overseer: Jenny Harrison (harrison at math dot berkeley dot edu)