ESE 415-Optimization

Welcome to ESE 415 in Spring 2024!

I can be reached at for non-content questions regarding the course, and in office hours to talk about content. Your first go-to for content questions should be the class Piazza.


ESE 415 - Spring 2024


The course has (loosely) three sections:


I'll often offer additional office hours (e.g. around exams) to accommodate schedule conflicts with the regular times.


This course has four AIs. Their weekly recitations and Piazza office hours are as follows:

Recitations are weekly starting 1/22.


The main resource for the course is: 

You may also find the following resources helpful:


Participation: This includes actively engaging in class discussion, completing biweekly reading quizzes, and monthly self-reflections.

Completion: I will allow for one missed homework, two missed reading quizzes, and one missed reflection without impacting your grade. After this point, each missed reflection or reading quiz counts as -1% of your grade down to a minimum of 0%.

Virtual testing: I will offer a virtual option for exams in circumstances such as quarantine due to sickness, potential exposure to covid-19, or personal emergency.

Late submission: The project and homeworks are due at 11:59pm. They can still be submitted until 1am the next day but will receive a 10% penalty (applied to the grade they receive, so if you score 90% it will count as 81%).

Resurrection final: We will use a resurrection final in this course. This means that we will calculate two grades:
- G1 = grade calculated as above
- G2 = grade calculated with exam #1 counting 0% and exam #2 / project counting 40%
Your final grade will be max(G1, G2).

Makeups: Because of the features above I don't allow for makeups under any circumstances.

Project: See here for some ideas.

Praxis: Each homework contains a 'praxis prompt' where you will practice an additional academic skill: communication (via recording a video solution to one problem), collaboration (partnering with someone else to complete a problem and providing feedback), education (preparing a mock lesson plan to explain a concept).

European grading scale: Grades will be allocated according to the scale

~90% A+ 70% A 60% B 50% C 40% D
