ESE 326-Probability & Statistics for Engineers

Welcome to ESE 326 in Fall 2023!

I can be reached at for non-content questions regarding the course, and in office hours to talk about content. Your first go-to for content questions should be the class Piazza found on Canvas.


The purpose of this course is to equip students with a mindset and toolkit to engage with real-world data in a meaningful and rigorous way. Probability theory is a mathematically rich field that gives fruitful context to many techniques built in earlier math classes.

The course has (loosely) three sections:

Just like modern statistics, the course will be interlaced with computational methods (primarily using R).


The AIs for this course and their recitation times are:

Recitations are weekly starting 9/5.


The main resource for the course is:

We may also draw on:

Note that this is a freely available resource originally published through Elsevier - I suggest you take a look at this website describing the many issues with Elsevier's business practices.


There are five types of work to be submitted during the course:


Participation: This includes completion of weekly reading quizzes and monthly self-reflections and attendance to six AI sessions. I will allow for one missed reflection and two missed quizzes without impacting your grade. After this point, each missed reflection, quiz or session counts as -1% of your grade.

Resurrection final: We will use a resurrection final in this course. This means that we will calculate two grades: G1 = grade calculated as above, and G2 = grade calculated with exam #1 counting 0% and exam #2 counting 30%. Your final grade will be max(G1, G2).

Piazza points: Each time you post a question or answer about the course content (i.e. not just administrative) on Piazza you will receive 1 bonus point. These count as 1 point towards your overall homework score up to a maximum of 10 points. For example, if you dropped 15 points on homework throughout the semester and asked 5 questions on Piazza, your score for homework would be as if you only dropped 10 points. The deadline for Piazza points is 11:59pm on 12/10.

Virtual testing: I will offer a virtual option for exams in circumstances such as personal emergencies and quarantine due to sickness or potential exposure to covid-19.

Late submissions: Homework and projects are due at 11:59pm on the day of their deadline. I will accept submissions up to one hour late subject to a 10% penalty (of your total score, for instance if you scored 90% this would be counted as 81%).

Makeups: Because of the features above I don't allow for makeups under any circumstances.

Homework: Each homework contains a praxis prompt where you will practice an academic skill: communication (via recording a video solution to one problem), collaboration (partnering with someone else to complete a problem and providing feedback), education (preparing a mock lesson plan to explain a concept).

Evaluations: Feedback is incredibly important to making this class thrive. Everyone will get a 0.5% grade boost if (on average) 70% of the class responds to evaluations at various points in the semester.


Syllabus (tentative)

ESE 326 - Fall 2023