ESE 3090-Modeling & Design in Social Choice Systems 

Welcome to ESE 3090 in Fall 2023!

I can be reached at for non-content questions regarding the course, and in office hours to talk about content. Your first go-to for content questions should be the class Piazza found on Canvas.


Social choice systems are all around us, from how we decide to split the check to who becomes president. This course introduces many conceptual and computational problems in the study of systems of social choice and offers a variety of tools to understand them. We will consider both micro and macro social choice systems; for the latter drawing on modern statistical techniques to understand (and reframe) questions like "what is a fair map of congressional districts?" In order to address modeling and design challenges in social choice systems we'll explore mathematical and software tools such as game theory, linear optimization, Monte Carlo / MCMC methods, and geographical data representation in Python.

The course has (loosely) three sections:



The course will draw from several resources including:

We will also reference the following articles:

Safe + Brave

This is a largely discussion-based course where we will all commit to cultivating a safe and brave environment for all students to participate in. We use the five pillars of Arao and Clemens to frame what such a space consists of:

You can also feel very free to call me out on words or actions that hinder these aims. Here is an anonymous google form where you can let me know about any concerns.

Key Connections


Participation: This includes preparing for and actively engaging in discussion, and (roughly) biweekly self-reflections.

Completion: I will allow for one missed homework and one missed reflection without impacting your grade. After this point, each missed reflection counts as -1% of your grade up to -5%.

Virtual testing: I will offer a virtual option for exams and quizzes in circumstances such as quarantine due to sickness or potential exposure to covid-19.

Late submission: The final project and midterm are due at 11:59pm. They can still be submitted until 1am the next day but will receive a 10% penalty (applied to the grade they receive, so if you score 90% it will count as 81%).

Makeups: Because of the three features above I don't allow for makeups under any circumstances.

Praxis: Each homework contains a 'praxis prompt' where you will practice an additional academic skill: communication (via recording a video solution to one problem), collaboration (partnering with someone else to complete a problem and providing feedback), education (preparing a mock lesson plan to explain a concept).



ESE 3xx - Fall 2023