
PhD Thesis: Technological Change and Work
Summary in the European Review of Economic History (December 2023)

Working Papers

The Past and Future of Work: How History can Inform the Age of Automation (CESifo Working Papers, No. 10766, June 2023)

Technological Unemployment in the British Industrial Revolution: The Destruction of Hand Spinning (University of Oxford Economic and Social History Working Papers, No. 207, May 2023)

Good Jobs and Bad Jobs in History (University of Oxford Economic and Social History Working Papers, No. 202, Revised Version, November 2023)

Historical Occupational Quality Index
The latest version of the HOQI codebook is an appendix to Good Jobs and Bad Jobs in History (see above).
Since January 2023 I have been leading the Work and Wellbeing in History project at the Center for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.


'Gender Equality, Growth, and How a Technological Trap Destroyed Female Work', Economic History of Developing Regions 36 (2021): 428–438. Link
Ungated working paper version: Link

'Losing the Thread: A Response to Robert Allen', Economic History Review 73 (2020): 1137–1152. Link
Twitter thread
An extended working paper (ungated) is also available:
'Wages at the Wheel: Were Spinners Part of the High Wage Economy?', University of Oxford Economic and Social History Working Papers, No. 174. Link

'Spinning the Industrial Revolution', Economic History Review 72 (2019): 126–155.  Link
Ungated working paper version: Link

Other Papers:
The Transformation of Work in American Transportation, 1750–1860
Poster (February 2020)
Paper for EHS Annual Meeting (April 2021)

Image: Quarry Bank Mill, Styal, Cheshire, UK
© Ben Schneider 2021