
search ENGINE

automatically analyzes data using keywords in multiple languages and informs marketers of global and local market trends.

Anomaly Detection and Recommender Systems

Detect failing servers on a Network and recommender system for movies.

Data Mining

Choosing a learning method supervisedData preparationConstruction and evaluation of modelsComparison with the result of applying another supervised learning method

Online rental management system

The project consists in facilitating the rental of property online. So, allow owners to publish rental ads about their properties, and also users to search for rental offers.

Taxi Booking System

Allow a customer agent to initiate a taxi searchAllow a customer agent to enter into an agreement with a taxi agent

transport network in a crossroads

implementation of a traffic simulation at a crossroads.

Techtra graphics

World vision haiti

Respondent registration

Labadie haiti

Find Locations, Hotels, Beaches, Restaurants in Haiti

Care haiti

Procurement Dashboard and annual inventory management

Bank Management System

create an accountwithdraw from an accountaccount transaction reportcalculate interest on accounts