Benchmarking@GECCO-2024 Workshop
Good Benchmarking Practices for Evolutionary Computation
Time and location: (as known by now)
Monday, 15th of July 2024, 10:40 local time in Melbourne (AEST)
hybrid event : onsite in Melbourne, Australia, and online
register here
The Benchmarking@GECCO Workshop Series
A platform to come together and to discuss recent progress and challenges in the area of benchmarking optimization heuristics.
This workshop will continue our workshop series that we started in 2020. The core theme is on benchmarking evolutionary computation methods and related sampling-based optimization heuristics, but each year, we will change the focus.
The focus in 2024 will be on benchmarking in different EC subfields. This goes back to the origin of the workshop as it was primarily intended to highlight benchmarking in these subfields with the intention to learn from each other and, thus, improve benchmarking in all areas.
Two EC subfields have been identified for the GECCO 2024 workshop being
Quality Diversity (QD) and
Multi-Criteria Optimization (MCO).
While the first is rather new within the family of EC subfields, the later is an established subfield with its own well-known mainstream algorithms and an established conference series. Nevertheless, both fields have several things in common, in particular as quality and diversity are regularly two conflicting goals during the process of optimization.
Schedule for the 2024 Workshop
Jürgen Branke: Benchmarking in Multi-Criteria Optimization
Amy Hoover: Benchmarking in QD
Carola Doerr (CNRS researcher at Sorbonne University, Paris, France)
Vanessa Volz (, Copenhagen, Denmark)
Pascal Kerschke (TU Dresden, Germany)
Olaf Mersmann (TH Cologne, Germany)
Boris Naujoks (TH Cologne, Germany)
Mike Preuss (LIACS, Leiden University)
Hosting Event
The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2024), which will be held as a hybrid event (online & onsite in Melbourne, Australia)