Odds ratio vs relative risk app

(Click image to open app)

This app demonstrates how odds ratio and relative risk relate to one another, and the vital role of baseline risk in connecting the two.

Odds ratios are commonly misinterpreted as though they are relative risks, but these statistics are not interchangable and their values can differ dramatically.  Relative risk has a more intuitive interpretation ("how much more likely an outcome is under one condition than another), but there are situations in which odds ratio can be estimated while relative risk cannot , such as case-control studies and logistic regression.  And, importantly, it is not possible to convert one of these statistics to the other unless a baseline risk is assumed.  

The purpose of this app is to show how odds ratio and relative risk are related to one another, given an assumed baseline probability.   The user can set an odds ratio, then change baseline probability and see the implied relative risk.   The app shows this a few different ways: