Factorial ANOVA app

(Click image to open app)

This app simulates data from a 3x2 factorial ANOVA model.

User can change the values of the 6 cell means and use sliders to reduce or magnify the three model components: factor 1 main effect, factor 2 main effect, and interaction effect.

What the big sliders do

The "Adjust factor 1 main effect" slider shifts the A, B, and C means of factor 1 either toward (slide left) or away from (slide right) their pooled mean. Sliding all the way left equalizes the three factor 1 marginal means on the bottom left plot; the cell means for P and Q under factor 2 on the upper left plot may still differ. Sliding right shifts these means in the opposite direction.

The "Adjust factor 2 main effect" slider does what the top slider does, but for factor 2. Sliding all the way left will equalize the two factor two means on the bottom right plot; the cell means for A, B, and C on the upper right plot may still differ.

The "Adjust interaction effect" slider shifts each individual cell mean either toward (slide left) or away from (slide right) the average of the marginal means under each of its factor levels. For example, sliding all the way left will shift the mean for the (factor 1 = A, factor 2 = P) cell on the top two plots toward the average of factor 1 = A and factor 2 = P cells on the bottom two plots. This results in the lines on the top to plots becoming parallel, eliminating the interaction. Sliding right magnifies the interaction.




The bottom left sliders adjust the 6 individual cell means. Set top sliders in their middle position to adjust these directly, without the app applying any additional adjustment.