Belodus devonicus Stauffer, 1940

1940 Belodus devonicus n. sp. - Stauffer, pag. 420, Plate 59, fig. 47, 48.

Original description - Base hollow, open at posterior, laterally compressed, bisymmetrical in cross section, sharply and deeply keeled on under side and upper side narrowing abruptly at a sharp angle into the dental ridge, anterior end curving upward into cusp, so that cusp is a direct continuation of bar. Dental edge bearing several dozen very slender denticles with edges fused throughout the greater part of their length.

Occurrence - Clay above the limestone, brick and tile plant, Austin, Minnesota, U. S. A. (Stauffer, 1940).

Age range - Devonian? (Stauffer, 1940).

Holotype - B 5611; Geological Museum, University of Minnesota.


- Stauffer, C. R. (1940) - Conodonts from the Devonian and associated clays of Minnesota. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 14(5): pp. 417-435.

Fig. 1 - Belodus devonicus in Stauffer (1940).