
Parents are the first opportunity for children to experience books and reading. Reading to your child as they sit in your lap, sharing your excitement about reading and allowing your child to 'read' to you at a young age are all wonderful ways to encourage and instill a love for reading! A variety of institutions and individuals have completed studies that demonstrate a direct link between reading and academic success. Talk with your children about what they are reading, suggest new books, ask them questions about their reading, set aside 20 minutes each night to read with your child, make is a positive experience and you will be raising lifelong readers (and learners).


Kids and digital media go together like peanut butter and jelly, and many parents wonder if what the kids are reading or watching is appropriate; what's the content of the new series on Netflix that all their friends are talking about? What about the new game that he/she wants to play?

Common Sense Media is a great resource for all things digital!

  • Parent (and child) reviews of books, movies, games and streaming series

  • resources for developing a responsible digital citizen

  • research relating to screen time

Mrs Wood is available via email to offer suggestions and answer questions you may have about developing your child's reading life, our school library program, digital citizenship and information literacy. Please send emails to or call 563-872-5049.


Reading Partners -Literacy Engagement Resources and Tips. Reading Partners. (n.d.).