2023 CPR Training for Club Members

The Bella Vista Fly Tyers and the City of Bella Vista Fire Department have teamed up to certify club members in CPR and AED. The CPR/AED  courses cover Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation skills, Automated External Defibrillators' use, and choking relief in adults, children, and infants. To date, over 45 members have been trained. Battalion Chief, Leo Lieutard,  provided this week's training. The course included a lecture, video instruction, and hands-on practice with mannequins. The course is designed for the layperson with little or no medical training.

Statistics have shown that in the event of a heart attack and cardiac distress, CPR and a defibrillator are the best methods to keep a person viable until first responders arrive on the scene. The American Heart Association estimates that approximately 395,000 cardiac arrests occur annually outside a hospital— of those, only 6% of victims survive. However, according to statistics, about 45% of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims survive when they get CPR from a bystander.

The Fly Tyers will continue to sponsor the course for members over the next few months to have 100 members trained. The Bella Vista Fly Tyers Club is a fishing, conservation, and service club with approximately 150 members. This group of men and women share a common interest in fishing (both warm and cold-water species) found in the local streams and lakes of Bella Vista. The Club also promotes lake conservation and recreational activities and conducts service projects throughout NW Arkansas. To learn more about the Fly Tyers, visit the website at bvft.org.

Note:  link to statistics. https://cpr.heart.org/en/resources/cpr-facts-and-stats