Zaterdag 00:21

C is for culture: Even though ‘cava’ is a Spanish sparkling wine, the Belgians are one of the biggest consumers and the second largest importer in the world. Around 35 million bottles are sold every year, that's 14% of the entire production. The biggest sales pitch is the price: for right around 10 euros, you'll have a decent brand to drink at parties.

Perfect parallel: Zoë asking to check if Milan send something back on Senne’s phone in S2, Robbe asking if Sander can text Britt on his phone in S3.

Nod to the OG: Senne’s dad being an analyst in London. Yet, they never explored the S3 storyline of him joining the company.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Look at this adorable boy!

Zaterdag 00:51

C is for culture: Did you know that the cranes you can clearly see in the background, are part of the museum collection of the ‘MAS’ (’Museum at the river’)? It’s the biggest display of harbor cranes in the world.

Perfect parallel: Zoë making fun of Senne’s guitar in S2, her having his guitar in her room at the flatshare in S3.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The brand of the instrument is 'Gretsch' and if you look real close, his name is written on the clamp.

Zaterdag 01:12

Perfect parallel: Senne using war metaphors as to not cross boundaries in the bed, Senne later on using wars as an excuse for his fighting.

Lost in translation: Senne saying "grensoverschrijdende acties" (literally: "border-crossing actions, meaning unacceptable behavior), but in the context of the 'border' between them he means it both unacceptable as 'don't cross our border' behavior.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Senne’s cellphone background is the front view of a 'Tesla'. Zoë has her beige hair-tie on her wrist.

Zaterdag 10:52

C is for culture: The 'Erasmus' program is an exchange project, where secondary school/university (college) students can study or do an internship of at least 3 months in another country within the EU. The period spent abroad is recognized in credits by their institution. Last year, a record number of 6,000 Flemish students participated in the program, with the favorite countries being Spain, France and the Netherlands.

Nod to the OG:

Zondag 09:41

C is for culture: The Belgian version of the climate strike, lead by ‘Youth for Climate’ with Anuna De Wever at the helm, was a big success in the first couple of weeks. Every Thursday thousands of teens marched, a total of 35,000 people at its peak. Some schools allowed skipping class one time, if the students had proof of participation and made projects around the movement.

Hello from the outside: ‘De Collectie’ is a clothing drive, organized by different chains of thrift stores in Antwerp. It happened on Saturday the 25th of May, during the release of this second season. Lars Brinkman (Milan) was ACTUALLY there and promoted the event as well as made stories on his character’s insta.

Perfect parallel: Zoë looking happily in the mirror about the night with Senne and later on, looking hollow after the night with Viktor in S2. Robbe looking at his reflection with a smile after cuddling Sander and looking distressed after the gay bashing incident in S3.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë has a record player in her room.


Maandag 08:26

How ‘meta’ of you:

Jana being the Belgian version of Eva, hooking up with a Jonas, who kept thinking that Jana looked like his ex? I see what you did there, wtFOCK!

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana was carrying the book ‘Blinde Woede’ by Nicole Boumaâza.

Vrijdag 22:12

Where’s Wally? Ah, yes, somehow Jens had a girlfriend as well this season, but we never caught her name.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Senne's shirt landing in Zoë’s face for a second.

Vrijdag 22:53

Where’s Wally? Keisha, Britt and Marie dancing along with the boysquad.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens watching Jana flirt with Luka, then trying to tune her out.

Vrijdag 23:03

C is for culture: The ferris wheel isn’t on this location permanently. Usually ‘The View’ stays for an entire winter market, up to the first week of January. However, coincidentally, during the wtFOCK shoots that year, it stayed until June.

Perfect parallel:

  • Zoë calling Senne selfish in the previous episode at their first date and her saying that ‘he thinks the world revolves around him’ before their first kiss in this episode.

  • Zoënne having similar make-out moves as Sobbe: Zoë clinging to Senne’s neck, Senne wrapping his arms around her and lifting her up, Zoë grabbing the base of his hair and Senne denying kisses in between.