Zaterdag 09:12

C is for culture: “I can’t get married” - In Belgium, the legal age to get married is over 18, however the juvenile court can grant permission to get married earlier as long as there are (exceptional) legitimate reasons.

Perfect parallel:

  • Jana looking in love at a sleepy Jens in S1, Zoë looking lovey dovey at Senne while he sleeps in S2.

  • Senne saying Zoë can’t cross the border of cushions between them in previous episode, him stating that there is ‘no border’ this episode.

  • Viktor seemingly towering over a pissed Senne in S2, Senne towering over a crying Viktor in S3.

  • Viktor saying “Weird vibe” about Senne dismissing Zoë here, Zoë saying “There was a really weird vibe” to Jana about Robbe in S1 and Jens’ statement “There was definitely a weird vibe going on” at Robbe in S3.

Lost in translation: Zoë saying "Tegen de ridders die met hun kruis op tocht gingen" (literally: against the knights who went with their ‘cross’ - crotch - on a trip), it’s a play-on-words with the word ‘kruistocht’ (literally: cross-trip, meaning crusade).

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Viktor having a cold look on his face at the end.

Maandag 08:13

Perfect parallel: Amber saying “Spying on someone?” in this episode, her actually spying on Zoë and Senne in a later episode.

Oopsie: Zoë’s Dutch workbook ‘Frappant 2′ is actually for the 2nd year, she is in her 4th year of secondary school.

Maandag 17:22

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana and Yasmina scrolling through a Spotify list of 'NRJ', a (recently set up) Belgian radio station.

Dinsdag 14:44

Perfect parallel: Yasmina telling the girls the cliché “Everyone knows guys lie about everything” in S1 and her scoffingly stating “Pure biology. Men want to spread their seed as much as possible” in S2.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Luca gives Amber a 'Cha-cha' candy bar.

Woensdag 10:19

Perfect parallel:

  • Zoë telling Senne off when he apologizes with “So that’s why you made me feel worthless?” in S2, Sander saying “And that’s why you insult me?” during Robbe’s apology in S3.

  • Senne leaning in and then denying Zoë kisses in S2, just like Sander always does with Robbe in S3.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë needs to go to biology, a subject that keeps coming back and being referred to in the banter between her and Senne.

Donderdag 12:48

C is for culture: “Could be the name of a song by Bazart” - ‘Bazart’ is the name of a Flemish band, who tries to popularize the ‘kleinkunst’ style (= singing in Dutch with a simple, acoustic sound - similar to indiepop or French chansons). The front-singer Oliver was actually already mildly known, due to his participation in the Belgian pre-selection for 'Junior Eurovision' 2008. Their hits include ‘Goud’, ‘Chaos’ and ‘Grip (omarm me)’.

Hello from the outside: The ‘Anne-Marie’ concert in the Lotto Arena that Luca was referring to, happened on Wednesday the 16th of May 2019, so in fact the evening before this clip.

Perfect parallel: Jana bailing Zoë out by deflecting questions, when she was distracted by Senne in S1 and continuously doing this throughout S2.

Funny coincidence: Luca saying “A graveyard of broken dreams, it could be a song by Bazart”, while the first part of this sentence, is an real song by ‘Altar of Oblivion’.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana is putting hearts around the sentence ‘Put those grades in your (ass)hole’.

Vrijdag 16:09

That’s character: Senne and Zoë have similar family backgrounds, which also explains why their characters attract one another. When one of them is upset/scared, they act coldly, shut off or direct their anger towards insignificant things. When they don’t want to confront people, they run. They don’t trust people very easily, hold back their problems and jokingly communicate about their feelings. Yet, both crave intimacy as well as devoted attention. But this need fills their jealousy and abandonment issues. This is seen throughout the seasons, from Zoë liking Senne’s chase in S1 to him acting coldly in the conversation about his girlfriend in wtFOCKDOWN.

Perfect parallel: Senne saying “Do you even have one [a family]?” to Zoë in S2, Moyo asking “Do you even have parents?” to Jens in S3.

Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Zoë is shocked and totally convinced that Robbe kissed a boy. Senne says “It isn’t that weird”, as she states “It is”. The kiss was ambiguous though, we can’t see if it’s real and Robbe never mentioned it.

Surprise bitch, guess who: The boy Robbe supposedly kisses, is actually Willem Herbots’ best friend/roommate Lukas Stevens. This was confirmed on insta a while ago.