Zaterdag 11:27

C is for culture: Jana mentioned ‘The Playground’, a board gaming bar and store with two different locations in Antwerp. The goal of this concept is bringing people together, under the guise of amusement. They regularly organize various workshops, board nights and gaming tournaments.

Hello from the outside: The ‘Vegan Street Festival’ took place on that exact day of the clip drop. Veerle and Femke actually went to this, posted a photo on their character’s insta and were spotted by other festival goers.

Zondag 21:24

That’s character: Milan has a habit of barging into anyone’s room whenever he wants to ask something, regardless if they’re busy or not. This happens all throughout S2 with Zoë and S3 with Robbe (even a bit in wtFOCKDOWN with Senne).

Though, his curious nature and persistent personality makes people open up to him. Even if they don’t want to deal with their problems. He sits them down, actively listens, picks out the weird statements and offers advice in a clear, soothing way. Yet, he also knows how to respect the boundaries, when his protégées are truly upset. In conclusion, Milan is a guiding force through all the seasons. A true (love) guru.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë’s signature lipstick comes from ‘go as u.r.’. A vegan brand.

Nod to the OG:

Zondag 21:39

C is for culture: It’s rather unusual for a secondary schooler to have a driver’s license this early. In Belgium, you need to be of legal age before getting one. However, if you’ve completed the written part at 17, you may practice driving as long as a registered companion or driving instructor teaches you. Once you’re 18 and by then have 9 months of experience, you can take the practical exam.

That’s character: When Zoë is nervous, she fidgets with her fingers, moves her mouth to the side or looks away in rapid fashion. This is something she consistently does, whenever Senne is around too. Those habits already developed in S1 and can be seen throughout the start of their relationship, meaning that Zoë was already attracted to Senne from the beginning.

Perfect parallel:

  • It’s symbolism! Zoë opening the hallway-door for ‘a new love’ in S2, Robbe closing that same door in the face of ‘a new love’ and afterwards letting Sander open it again in S3.

  • Zoë saying Senne is distant and cold in this episode - stating that he’s a egotistical manipulator, while Senne calls her the North Pole and manipulating him in a later episode.

Funny coincidence: Senne actually hás a black 'Tesla', while Sander mentions wanting a white one at his future wedding.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë has a serious case of ‘wanting’ loveydovey eyes at 14:46.

Maandag 08:25

C is for culture: “At the UGC” - The UGC (=Union générale cinématographique) is a French chain of cinema’s, with locations in France and Belgium. It’s the only chain in Belgium with a subscription option and is still a bit cheaper than its only rival, 'Kinepolis'.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Wolf is the fourth member of the Beat Boys group, he’s never mentioned again after this.

Dinsdag 08:21

C is for culture: “Sports day hasn’t even started yet” - Every year, primary and secondary schools organize one or more ‘sporting days’. This whole day is filled with different variations of games or sports, to encourage the students to exercise more or to spark some interest in a certain type. The students show up in comfy gear.

Lost in translation: Luca says ‘Because she came screaming’ - 'screaming’ in Dutch is ‘gillend’. She made a play-on-words with the name Gill ("Gill-end").

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens is carrying an 'Aquarius' bottle, a sports drink.

Woensdag 13:53

C is for culture: “May first is on a Wednesday this year” - The 1st of May is Labour Day, an annual holiday to honour the achievement of workers. Various democratic socialist organizations hold parades or festivities on this day to celebrate.

Déjà vu: The starting shot (window opposite the flatshare) is the exact same as the season 3 E5 Clip 9 (the one before the cuddle clip).

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Amber uses the distraction to give her cookie to Luca. On the fridge, there is a cute card with ‘Hello, is it TEA you’re looking for?’ on it.

Vrijdag 20:42

Hello from the outside: The ‘Temptation Island’ episode Zoë and Lisa are watching is the EXACT same episode that was airing on television that Friday evening.

Oopsie: This clip was never actually included into the ‘weekly’ episode.

Vrijdag 23:51

C is for culture: “The neighbours are complaining” - The police may enter a home to break up a party, due to noice complaints. The law states that after 22h, you aren’t allowed to make noise that might hinder the neighbors. This is one of the most popular reasons to stop a party. Breaking it up due to alcohol served to minors? That’s barely done in Belgium.

Where’s Wally? Senne’s best friend, Gill, is on the couch in a glitter top.

Oopsie: With the movements Jana makes, you can clearly see that the glass bottle is really empty - yet the actress pretends that it’s full.

Hello from the outside: Senne throws out Matis, a Belgian influencer (@matisvdc), who made insta stories from the party on the same night as the clip dropped. As if it happened in real time.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Robbe was dancing alone in the crowd, watching as Jens approached Luka.