Maandag 12:32

Perfect parallel: Amber happily saying “He said I’m special” to Zoë in S1 and her repeating to Zoë “He made me feel so special” whilst crying in S2.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë totally caught on what Jana was doing, engaging the conversation with Luka to make Jens jealous.

Dinsdag 21:02

C is for culture: More than half of young people already participated in some form of sexting, but it’s still considered child pornography. Making, downloading or spreading texts/pictures - if you’re not 18, these acts are all punishable under Belgian law. Even if the subject is your own body.

Perfect parallel: Jana snapchatting Jens a braless pic in S1, referring back to it as a "Personal choice" and giving advice to Amber in wtFOCKDOWN.

Woensdag 12:17

Perfect parallel: Amber sending a topless pic to Senne without him asking in S1, not getting a reply and Amber getting a d*pic from Aaron without asking, while the girls urge her not to answer in wtFOCKDOWN.

How ‘meta’ of you: “Sometimes you just need to trust people”, if that’s not commentary on miscommunication and misplaced trust in SKAM, I don’t know what is.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë’s lipstick comes from 'Mac'.

Donderdag 12:32

C is for culture: Jana is eating a ‘smos’, which is a French baguette, stacked with different types of condiments and vegetables. The word is derived from the Flemish word ‘smossen’ meaning ‘spilling’, because there is a good chance you’ll spill something while eating it.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë is drinking 'Arizona tea'.

Vrijdag 21:07

Nod to the OG: The song ‘I Fink U Freeky’ by Die Antwoord.

Where is Wally? Senne is actually kissing one of the members of ‘Blonde Ambition’, making it extra painful for Amber to witness.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana has the cutest screensaver.