Zaterdag 11:27

C is for culture: “My parents are gone for the entire autumn break” - Autumn/fall break is set in the last week of October and the start of November. This free week only applies to kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and university college. Universities start their lessons one week later, so they never have this vacation.

Zaterdag 14:12

C is for culture: “’Girl’ is apparently really good.” - The Belgian movie ‘Girl’ is the feature debut of director Lukas Dhondt, which immediately gained international acclaim: winning prizes at 'Cannes festival' and put on the long list for Oscar entries. The drama was inspired by Nora Monsecour, a Belgian trans female dancer and her struggle in pursuing a career as a ballerina born in the wrong body. Praised by critics, criticized by some, it surely made an impact in LGBT+ film world. In some countries, the movie is available on 'Netflix'.

Where’s Wally? Ah, we forgot Lotte, didn’t we? Jens’ cute kid sister!

Perfect parallels: Robbe happily playing Fortnite with Jens in S1 and him playing the same game worrying about Sander in S3.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens has a guitar, an amp and a djembé in his room.

Zondag 10:45

C is for culture: “That’s summertime. It’s wintertime today.” - During last Saturday night in October, the clock jumps an hour back from our summertime (GMT + 2) to our wintertime (GMT + 1). So 3 o’clock at night becomes 2 o’clock, making it an hour earlier. It stays that way until the last Saturday of March, where the clock an hour jumps forward again.

Maandag 14:23

C is for culture:

  • “Our first time”: The average age to loose one’s virginity in Belgium is around 18. A quarter of the ‘first time cases’ even happen between the bracket 21-25y. Reasons? The youth of today are more informed than previous generations (parental talks, sexual education, television) and decide to wait, have too busy lives or are shown more explicit images on television, which has a direct effect on body insecurities.

  • “Can I borrow the pill?” “I use the ring, you don’t want that”: At least 9 out of 10 young Belgian women use a form of anti-conception to protect themselves, with the pill on number 1. The IUD and vaginal ring are the second most popular. Since the 1st of April 2020, anyone under the age of 25 can purchase the pill - with a doctor’s note - for free. And the morning after? Is now free for anyone!

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The monstrosity that’s called Jens-Jana’s baby.

Woensdag 13:51

C is for culture: Even though the situation with the doctor was hilarious, this isn’t usually the response you’ll get. In most cases, the doctor will do a questionnaire and check your body. Afterwards, they’ll educate you on the different options of birth control and help you decide which one you suits you best.

Actual sexual education starts in primary school at the age of 10 and goes on until the age of 14 in Biology lessons. Some schools might start some principles earlier, teaching about 'where babies come from’, consent or (same sex) relationships.

That’s character: Amber is already complaining about her stomach - the air build-up - because she doesn’t eat enough. Other hints towards her problem with food will be shown later on: feeling dizzy, joining ramadan on a whim, running like crazy, following diets, claiming a gluten allergy (S2), needing to buy a certain type of food and calling s’mores disgusting for having too much calories (S3).

Donderdag 14:09

C is for culture: This clip was published on the 1st of November, ‘All Saints Day’. This public holiday commemorates those who passed away and it’s part of the tradition to visit their graves/tombs and place flowers on it. Memories might be shared by visiting other family members afterwards.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: According to the dates on his tombstone, Jana’s father Tom was just 36 years old when he passed away. Jana was 7.

Donderdag 15:52

C is for culture: “I saw on Smartschool...”. - 'Smartschool' is a digital platform, where students can see messages, tasks, tests and documents about their courses. Parents can monitor their child’s grades and important communication surrounding their behavior or changes made to the curriculum.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana’s mom is drinking warm 'Lipton' tea.

Vrijdag 18:12

Perfect parallel: Zoë’s reluctant “[Sex] with that fuckboy? No, thank you!” in S1 and Zoë later having a actual (sexual) relationship with Senne in S2.

Where is Wally? Another of Jens’ sisters forgotten! (We didn’t see her, though).

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Amber refers to a dress from 'Morgan De Toi', a French clothing brand which originally sold lingerie. One dress costs around 70 euros.

Bonus: Senne is actually a total polite cutie pie here?