Zaterdag 13:32

C is for culture: “Britt’s brother is a dealer” - In general, the ban on weed in Belgium is rather seen as a policy of tolerance, than a strict law. Meaning that if you get caught with a plant or max. 3 grams, they’ll file a police report and give a warning. But if they catch you dealing, driving under influence, encouraging others to use or bring it into school, then you’re in danger of getting jail time and a hefty fine. Some cities might give you a fine no matter what the circumstances. Very confusing and vague, even for the law enforcement.

Perfect parallels: Jens saying “What we have is so special” in S1 and him stating “You’re still kinda special to me” in wtFOCKDOWN.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens is wearing his scouting uniform.

Dinsdag 16:21

Perfect parallels: Robbe’s “If I had a girlfriend and she kissed another guy... I wouldn’t want to know about it” in S1 and him watching Sander kiss Britt behind his back in S3.

Nod to the OG: Robbe is wearing the same brand of beanie as Eva in the OG, namely ‘Carhartt’.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Another pair of Robbe’s googly eyes towards Jens.

Woensdag 10:21

Perfect parallels: Zoë pointing out all the girls Senne has slept with to Amber in S1, standing at that same window as when Amber was guessing which girl dates him in S2.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Did you notice how Zoë only mentions blonde girls? It seems that Senne has a type!

Donderdag 19:12

C is for culture:

  • “How often?”: The teens in wtFOCK seem to smoke a lot of weed, but in actuality only 1 out of 4 Belgian teens tried it. And just 2% smoke regularly.

  • “Only old people use that word”: Most common used Flemish words for weed are ‘wiet’, ‘toep’, ‘toeter’, ‘stickie’ and ‘smoren’ (= smoking). Ofcourse, English has influenced the language with stuff like ‘joint’, ‘j’, ‘jonko’ and ‘blowen’.

Perfect parallels: Jens pointing out “That’s something you have been doing often lately [drinking a lot of alcohol in one night]” in S1 and seeing Jana get wasted at almost every party in following seasons.

Vrijdag 10:11

Perfect parallels: Zoë going off at a pissed Senne saying things like “You didn’t have any hair on your balls yet in the third year” and him laughingly repeating it in S2 as well as mentioning his rant of nostalgia during wtFOCKDOWN.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: A flash of hurt in his eyes, when Zoë mentions Senne’s parents.