Zondag 16:33

C is for culture: The squad took the train from the chalet in the Ardennes (Wallonia) to Antwerpen Berchem. This is the fastest and cheapest way to travel over long distances as a teen in Belgium. In this particular case, you have a few options you can buy at the national train provider 'NMBS': a ‘-26 year old’ oneway ticket for 6,60 euros, a return weekend ticket for half the price of a normal one or a ‘-26 year old’ 10-oneway-travel card for 53 euros.

Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity - perfect parallel: Moyo denying a goodbye hug from Robbe, saying “You’d want that, right?” and “I saw you staring at my ass”. Later on in S3, he’ll catch Robbe in the biggest hug to apologize for his behavior from earlier, saying he’s cool with him and Sander being together.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens sporting a sleeping bag underneath his backpack, even though the chalet had its own blankets. Better safe than sorry?

Zondag 17:43

C is for culture: Facebook Messenger is still the most used communication app within the age bracket 16-24y in Belgium, with 74% daily users. Even though Whatsapp is on the rise in later years. Yet only 37% apply this app in a day-to-day basis. One of the main reasons? It’s easier to contact someone by their name than asking for their cellphone number. (As proven in this scene)

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana’s mom left 30 euros with her note.

Maandag 08:31

Nod to the OG:

Woensdag 10:19

Nod to the OG / perfect parallel: Luca’s “We, arm in arm, like Romeo and Juliet”, while trying to flirt with an uncomfortable Robbe in S1. Robbe later mentions this movie to Sander as his favorite one in S3.

Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Robbe's “She really isn’t my type”. Duh!

Vrijdag 12:38

C is for culture: ‘Dag van de jeugdbeweging’ (= Day of the Youth Movement). A yearly tradition in Belgium to celebrate the existence of youth movements. Not only the scouting, but also others like ‘Chiro’, ‘KLJ’, ‘Youth Red Cross’, etc. Each week these organizations arrange different types of activities (survival skills, teambuildings and games) to different kinds of ages. Over a 250,000 young people are a member of one or more group - that’s 20% of the age bracket 5 to 24y. On this day, members proudly wear their uniforms to schools or work and things like free breakfasts as well as big parties are organized.

- Storyline hint: Jens, Britt and Jana all went to the same movement, before Jana seemingly left this group (she doesn’t wear her uniform).

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Different FreeFest team posters are plastered on the lockers behind the girls. One even states ‘Blonde Ambition’, Britt’s team.

Vrijdag 19:51

C is for culture: Yasmina wearing a hijab at home and not in school, that’s because religious signs (hijabs, religious jewelry) as well as headwear aren’t allowed in public schools. They must remain ‘neutral’ at all times.

Oopsie: Zoë’s hair has a some light blue-green locks in it. A coloring accident, weird reaction to shampoo or maybe it was the spray from the Halloween ep?

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The girls are eating 'Lay’s Bugles' and 'Lay’s Oven Baked Mediterranean Herbs' chips.