Tools and trackers

There are a number of helpful tools that allow you to track your collection, pack and ICR openings, vault progress and win rates of decks. Some of the trackers also have the functionality of keeping tabs on your draft and sealed decks. Furthermore, some of them allow you to browse decks and see how many wildcards you need to complete a given deck.

Trackers read data from the logs which if freely available and visualize it for you so they had been given a green light from the developers.

However, neither the developers nor the author of this guide can bear responsibility if anything goes wrong with them. If you run into problems with any of them the best way is to visit their relevant subreddits and Discords to deal with them.

  • MTG Arena Pro Tracker synchronizes your progression and deck list with their website (you can track your stats and collection and use your collection in an online deck builder.) Has most of the functionality listed above but lacks a deck list overlay. Has a mobile app. Closed source.
  • MTGA Tracker has a decklist overlay and a collection inspector built into the tracker itself. Open source.
  • MTGA Tool has lots of different features. Open source.
  • Lotus Tracker is the newest and has the largest feature set - including an online deck builder. Now has in-game LSV draft tiers. Antiviruses hate it. Open Source.

For new streamers it’s recommended to use free, open source software such as OBS or streamlabs (based on OBS). The latter is a little easier to set up for new players.

If you’re a streamer you should use the Deckmaster overlay that allows viewers to hover over the cards and see their detailed description.

If you want much more detailed and up to date analysis of the tools, a very good summary is available here. Another review of the trackers is available in a table comparison.

While the guide makes an effort to cover a lot of ground to enable the readers to achieve success, there are other noteworthy true and tested guides in MTG you can find in the next section that you may like.