🐝ANNOUNCING: NEW BEEHVE Lottery has started!🐝

To have fun and to raise a little money to pay our comps we run periodic lotteries.  Anyone on Nitrotype can enter by purchasing tickets.  It is advertised to BEEHVE friends on our Discord Server as well.  The last lottery paid out over $60M!

How does it work?

You get 1 Ticket for every $100k NTC sent to @[BEEHVE] Starlight https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/ckoerber  At the end of the lottery the tool (randompicker.com) will do drawing to select the winner. 20% of the donations will be kept by the team for funding comps, and 80% will be awarded to lottery winners.

Current Lottery is running Apr 12-19.  Drawing Apr 19 at 7pm USCT.  This Lottery will have 2 winners: Each get 40% of total sales.

The table below will be updated daily with the entrants and the number of tickets (Weight column) purchased by each.  At the end of the lottery it will be updated once winner is rolled.  GOOD LUCK!

THE LOTTERY HAS CONCLUDED.  Congrats to Weet and gorwan288 on the win!  See Total sales and prizes below: